• Overview

When: 7 October 2021, 13:00 BST

Where: Online, register here

The International Organisation of Employers (IOE), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) will co-host a side-event in the context of the World Circular Economy Forum (13-15 September 2021), on the occasion of the launch of the second GEO for Business Brief entitled 'The Role of Business in Moving from Linear to Circular Economies'; and offering the latest insights on the employment and environmental aspects of circular economy from top UN officials as well as showcasing best practices and sharing successful examples from business leaders. The event will also be streamed live on YouTube and LinkedIn with keynotes from UNEP’s Science Division Director, Jian Liu, Department Director of SECTOR at ILO, Alette van Leur, and IOE Secretary-General, Roberto Suárez Santos; followed by an overview of the Brief by two of its authors and concluding with a moderated discussion with private sector and advisory committee representatives. The launch event will bring together the authors and leading private sector representatives in an interactive conversation. Subsequent briefs will be launched throughout 2021 and into 2022, aligned with relevant international and business meetings where appropriate. Speakers:

  • Lerwen Liu, STEAM platform
  • Richard Swannell, WRAP


  • Paul Ekins, UCL
  • Esther Finidori, Schneider Electric
  • Sabrina de Gobbi, ILO


  • Elisa Tonda, Head of the Consumption and Production Unit, UNEP Economy Division