• Overview

Date: Friday 8 ​September 2023

Time: 2:45pm- 4:00pm EAT

Location: Lenana Hall, Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) 

This is an Africa Climate Week 2023 Action Track event. Live streaming link.

Air pollution claims over a million lives annually across Africa; therefore, assessing healthcare systems' vulnerability to climate change impacts is essential for enhancing resilience and ensuring well-being and resilience in Africa.  An integrated strategy that targets short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) such as black carbon, methane, and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) offers an all-inclusive solution: climate change mitigation and co-benefits for health, agricultural security, and the economy.  

The recent Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change for Sustainable Development in Africa, developed by the AUC, CCAC, and UNEP, highlights five key areas for integrated action: transport, residential, energy, agriculture, and waste, all of which are consistent with Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want. But how can we accelerate Africa's transition to clean air and climate stability? 

African nations are taking steps to SLCP reduction via the Climate and Clean Air Coalition and are implementing sector-specific policies, increasing their ambitions via updated NDCs, and joining the Global Methane Pledge. Concurrently, African enterprises are pioneering air pollution solutions, releasing health benefits across priority sectors.  

In line with this, UNEP convened Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), African Union Commission (AUC), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), with the contribution of Kenya Climate Innovation Center, Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), are organizing this track event to bring together country partners, healthcare experts, private sector players, and financial institutions to jointly show the power of the climate, health and air pollution nexus, explore how we can best scale up and implement solutions through policy, planning, and science. 

Explore UNEP's full list of activities during Africa Climate Week/Africa Climate Summit 2023.