• Overview

When: Wednesday 15 November at 14:00-15:00 (GMT+8)

Where: Persada Johor International Convention Centre, Malaysia. Room: Tanjung Puteri 305

Organizers: Global EbA Fund (UNEP and IUCN), COBSEA, GCF

Registration: Link

This is an official side event of the Asia Pacific Climate Week 2023.

This side event seeks to shine light on the transformative potential of private sector in driving sustainable growth through Blue Economy and upscaling Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), and the role of the Regional Seas Programmes as an avenue for dialogue and regional exchange to upscale best practices. By examining successful case studies, emerging opportunities, and collaborative strategies, the session seeks to inspire dialogue and actionable insights to accelerate progress on climate action.

The specific room for this event may be subject to change. Check the interactive programme here for the latest.

For more information, contact Anna.Kilponen@un.org