• Overview

Date: Monday, 8 November 2021           Time: 8:30-9:30 am GMT

Location: The Climate Pledge Theatre, “Buildings Pavilion” hosted by GlobalABC in the shared space with the “Business Pavilion for Climate Leadership” hosted by the We Mean Business Coalition

Livestream Linkhttps://vimeo.com/event/1413581/aba145a18e

Organized by: GlobalABC, MTE-France, ADEME, Resallience, PEEB, Reall

The building sector’s stakeholders need to coordinate and pool their expertise and resources to develop solutions dedicated to resilience and adaptation. 

This event will present key takeaways from the GlobalABC report on climate change adaptation of the building sector, including the UNEP guidebook for developing countries, and will launch with first supports the “10 principles for effective adaptation actions” campaign aiming to gather the building sector around a common vision, and track progress.

Speakers include: Ministry of Environment France, Ministry of National Territory Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy Morocco, ADEME, Resallience, PEEB, CDRI 
