• Overview

When: 11 June 2024 | 10:00 CEST

Where: International Environment House I, Gevena and online.

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More information of the briefing

The Chemicals and Waste Negotiations briefing, organized within the framework of the Geneva Environment Network, will provide an overview of the work and key activities to advance the sound management of chemicals and waste globally. It will review the outcomes of the negotiations related to chemicals and waste that took place in 2023 and in early 2024, and present the latest information on the important conferences scheduled in 2024, as well as a follow-up on resolutions adopted at the UN Environment Assembly.

The event will also present the new Global Framework on Chemicals, adopted by the 5th International Conference on Chemicals Management in Bonn in 2023.


  • Océane DAYER | Waste and Chemicals Focal Point, Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland
  • Jacqueline ALVAREZ | Chief, Chemicals and Health Branch, UNEP
  • David OGDEN |Deputy Executive Secretary, Basel Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
  • Kay WILLIAMS | Head, Global Framework on Chemicals
  • Juliette KOHLER | Senior Legal Officer and Chief OiC, Governance Branch, Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
  • Susan WINGFIELD | Programme Officer, Legal and Policy Unit, Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
  • Marianne BAILEY | Senior Policy and Coordination Officer, Minamata Convention on Mercury
  • Ludovic BERNAUDAT | Head, Knowledge and Risk Unit, Chemicals and Health Branch, UNEP