• Overview
  • Registration information

Date:  20 September 2024 | 15:00-16:15hrs New York time

Location: Conference Room 2, UN Headquarters, New York

Access the live stream.

Please see the Registration tab for critical information ahead of the September 6 deadline.

With young people at the heart of the discussion, this event brings partners together to explore what changes are needed in education and across society to build the green skills and green jobs to deliver a just and sustainable transition.

Co-organised with UNEP and the Government of Cyprus, in partnership with ILO, UNICEF and the Government of India, this side-event will host an intergenerational dialogue between youth, UN leaders, Government ministers and experts in green skills and education. It will explore the intersection of green jobs, education and sustainable lifestyles, highlighting how these elements can converge to create a just and equitable future for all. 

New commitments to the Green Jobs for Youth Pact will be unveiled at the event with the outcomes contributing to the Summit of the Future and inform the SDG review process and contribute to the implementation of the UNEA-6 resolution on sustainable lifestyles


  • Skills for the Future: Discuss how to equip youth with essential skills for the transition to a low-carbon, circular economy, emphasizing the role of education in sustainable development.
  • Systemic Change: Promote systemic transformations in key sectors to accelerate sustainable development, focusing on sustainable lifestyles and green jobs.
  • Youth Engagement: Empower youth to take an active role in driving sustainable development by fostering collaboration between educational institutions, governments, and various stakeholders.
  • Intergenerational Equity and Solidarity: Highlight the importance of fair distribution of environmental benefits and burdens across generations to ensure ethical stewardship of the planet.

Expected Outcomes

  • Strengthen cooperation around Green Skills/Green Jobs: Strengthening global frameworks, alliances and regional strategies, including collaboration specifically in support of the Green Jobs for Youth Pact, UNECE, and other relevant organizations, to adapt education and training programs to meet the demands of a green economy. This event will present new and impactful commitments by different stakeholder groups, monitored and evaluated through the Green Jobs for Youth Pact on the green jobs/skills agenda, as well as call to actions, these can be a contribution to the legacy of the Summit for the Future that showcases the impact of the event.
  • SDG Review Process: The event outcomes will be tied into the upcoming SDG review processes, particularly those focused on SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) in 2025, SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) in 2026, and SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) in 2027. This will ensure that the event's discussions contribute directly to global sustainable development goals.
  • Meaningful Youth Representation and Participation in Global Discussions: Enhanced representation of youth in global discussions on sustainability, with young people taking on more active roles in international negotiations and policy-making processes to accelerate the transition to a low carbon and circular economy. This event will showcase clear mechanisms and best practices which put youth in the forefront, empowered to be actors of change.
  • Increased Awareness: Greater public awareness of the importance of intergenerational equity and the role of youth in achieving sustainable development. The event will highlight the critical need for urgent action and the role of young people in driving this change.
  • Strengthened the role of education as key driver for integrating green and just transition: Discussed strategies that enhance the role of education in promoting green skills and sustainable lifestyles. This event aims to ensure that education systems are better aligned with the needs of a green economy, and that young people are adequately prepared to lead the transition to a sustainable future. 

Contact information

For more information, please contact Sam.Barratt@un.org or Noemie.Metais@un.org

If you DO NOT have a valid UN Grounds Pass for the UNHQ in New York:

All interested participants without a valid UN grounds pass will need to request registration to receive a Special Events Ticket. This includes those who are NOT members of the official delegations of Member States/GA-accredited IGOs/specialized agencies to GA79.

Registration of participants will be held exclusively through a dedicated INDICO Form. If you do not have an INDICO account, you can set it up here http://indico.un.org/.

Interested participants must check the criteria below and register participants using this form only: https://indico.un.org/event/1012457/

  • Registration opens: 12 August 2024
  • Registration closes: 6 September 2024

There will be no on-site registration. Requests for registration via email will not be accepted.

Participants are highly encouraged to submit requests for registration as soon as registration opens to allow the necessary time to prepare the documentation.

Registration criteria

  • Individuals applying for registration will need to demonstrate affiliation with organizations with relevant work to the preparations of, and/or towards the implementation of, the Pact for the Future.
  • Representatives of national governments, UN and IGOs staff not in possession of valid UN Grounds passes for the UNHQ in New York should use official emails to request registration.
  • UNLP holders can submit copies of UNLPs to confirm their affiliation.
  • Each organization will be allowed to request registration for up to 7 (seven) delegates. Each individual must register separately using the INDICO form: https://indico.un.org/event/1012457/
  • There is no separate registration for side event speakers or participants. The organizers, speakers and participants of side events must register through the regular registration channel.
  • Participants under 18 years old will need to be registered and accompanied by a Chaperone who must also be duly registered to attend the Summit of the Future Action Days through the same organization. This information must be included in the affiliation letter to be uploaded to the registration platform. If chaperones are not the legal guardians, a permission letter from the parents or legal guardians must be submitted at the time of registration.
  • Assistants of persons with disabilities must be fully registered to attend the Summit of the Future Action Days through the main registration channel.
  • Registration must include full name as reflected in valid passport/government ID.

Additional information

  • All requests for registration will be reviewed on a rolling basis and approved participants will receive letters of confirmation from the Secretariat. Please, allow between 5 – 10 working days for the review of registration requests.
  • Participants are responsible for all necessary arrangements related to their in-person participation, including travel, visa and others, as appropriate. The Secretariat will not follow up on individual requests for visa letters neither will liaise with the host country on visa issues.
  • For technical issues related to Indico account creation and registration, please contact, Indico Support Team at support.accreditation@un.org
  • Please also note that the United Nations does not charge fees for participation in Conferences and events. If you are aware of possible scams, please email us using this email address sotfactiondays@un.org