• Overview

Energy Day: UK Pavilion

Event:  Panel Discussion on Product Efficiency: The world's first fuel - making the clean energy transition faster, easier and more cost-effective.

COP26 Energy Day Presidency event: Panel Discussion on Product Efficiency: The world's first fuel - making the clean energy transition faster, easier and more cost-effective. DATE: Thursday, 4 November 2021 I TIME: 12:00 – 13:15 GMT I LOCATION: UK Pavilion | Livestream 

This event will showcase how through the reinvigorated SEAD initiative and the UK’s COP26 Product Efficiency Call to Action governments, business, NGOS and consumers are working to double the efficiency of four key appliances globally ahead of 2030.


Hosts Welcome – Helen Clarkson, CEO, The Climate Group

Campaign video: CLASP explaining the Product Efficiency Call to Action

Keynote speech: H.E. UK Minister Greg Hands

Keynote speech: Dr Fatih Birol, Executive Director, the International Energy Agency (IEA)

Panel Discussion

Chair: Ms Helen Clarkson, CEO, The Climate Group

  • H.E. Mr Raj Kumar Singh, Minster of Power and New & Renewable Energy, Government of India
  • H.E. Ms Sharon Ikeazor, Minister of State for Environment, Government of Nigeria
  • Mr Hakan Bulgurlu, CEO, Arçelik Mr Vincent Petit, Senior Vice-President, Global Strategy Prospective, Schneider Electric

Closing remarks: Rose Mwebaza, Director, Climate Technology Centre & Network, UNEP