• Overview

Date: 10 October 2023

Time: 14:00-15:15 AST

Location: Zone 8, Theatre 1, Boulevard Riyadh City

This is a Middle East and North Africa Climate Week 2023 Action Track event. Live streaming available.


Urban GHG emissions in the MENA region have risen alarmingly in recent years, with the building sector emerging as one of the main culprits. The emissions disparities, along with differences in demographics, economies, energy intensity, and policies governing the building sector, pose both challenges and opportunities for decarbonizing the built environment in the region. Additionally, as the region experiences population growth, urbanization peaks, and more frequent extreme weather events, its vulnerability to climate change impacts intensifies. Decarbonizing the built environment and adopting sustainability practices become critical for a climate-resilient future in MENA.

This event will spotlight a tailored roadmap for the Arab region's buildings and construction sector, offering insights into transformative change. While acknowledging that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, the event will stress the importance of international collaboration and collaborative models to rally stakeholders around a common goal and expedite action on MENA's path to a sustainable, climate-resilient built environment.