• Overview
  • Agenda

This is an official side-event of the 12th World Urban Forum.

Date: Tuesday 5 November 2024  

Time: 17:00-18:30 EEST

Location: SDGs In Action Room A in the Egypt International Exhibition Center, El-Moshir Tantawy Axis, Al Hay Al Asher, Nasr City, Cairo Governorate 4440301, Egypt 


  • The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (Kenya)   
  • Egypt Ministry of Housing Utilities and Urban Communities
  • Cairo Governorate   
  • Urban Development Fund  
  • BMZ (Germany)   
  • ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center (South Africa)  


In our rapidly urbanizing world, the fate of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development depends significantly on the transformation and sustainability of urban areas. Cities consume over 70% of global resources, produce more than 50% of waste, and are responsible for 70% of CO2 emissions.    

However, they are also the epicenter of climate solutions and can help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Today, cities are not only custodians of SDG 11 but act as catalysts for the achievement of all 17 SDGs due to the cross-cutting nature of urban issues. In recent years, there has been a renewed focus on the role of cities in mitigating and adapting to climate change (SDG 13), restoring the earth’s biodiversity (SDG 15), and promoting good health (SDG 3).    

This event aims to showcase and discuss how cities can leverage nature-based solutions and ecosystem restoration to transform degraded or underutilized spaces (brownfields), as well as highly dense built environments, into sustainable green urban landscapes.   

Examples from Egypt and the 23 #GenerationRestoration cities will be presented by international experts, policymakers, urban planners, and stakeholders, who will discuss innovative solutions and best practices for scaling up actions. 

This event will happen at the 12th World Urban Forum.

Moderator: Ms. Sharon Gil, Cities Lead, Climate Change Division, UNEP  

Opening remarks: City Action to achieve the SDGs and the Global Biodiversity Frameworks 

  • Ms. Elizabeth Mrema, Deputy Executive Director, UNEP (tbc) 
  • Mr Jader Barbalho Filho, Minister of Cities, Brazil (tbc) 
  • Mr. Abdelkhalek Ibrahim, Senior Assistant for the Minister, Ministry of Housing, Utilities & Urban Communities, Egypt (tbc) 

High-level panel: Voice from City Leaders  

  • Mr Alejandro Char, Mayor, City of Barranquilla, Colombia (tbc) 
  • Pr. Moby Mpah Édouard Hervé, Mayor, Douala IV Municipality, Cameroon (tbc) 
  • Dr Ibrahim Saber, Governor, Cairo Governorate, Egypt (tbc) 
  • Mr Eddie Andrews, Deputy Mayor, City of Cape Town, South Africa    

Technical Panel: Scaling up action to deliver on #GenerationRestoration    

  • Mr. Sebastian Fermani, Secretary of Environment, City of Mendoza, Argentina   
  • Mr. Rodrigo Ravena, Secretary of Green and Environment, City of São Paulo, Brazil (tbc) 
  • Ms. Kate Leigh Strachan, Senior Manager: Climate Change Resilience, DRR and Coastal Management, ICLEI (tbc) 
  • Mr. Khaled Seddik - Chairman, Urban Development Fund, Egypt (tbc) 
  • Ms. Carmen Vogt, Head of Cities Section, GIZ (tbc) 

Closing Remarks  

  • Mr. Niels Annen, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany  (tbc)