• Overview

When: Sunday 10 December at 18:00-19:00 (GST)

Where: IPCC-WMO-MERI-NCM Pavilion (Zone B7, Building 88), COP28

The Global Goal on Adaptation is a core element of the Paris Agreement that sets the vision for global wellbeing and resilience. In advancing the discourse on GGA, this session focuses on indicators and targets, recognizing them as catalysts that can progress achieving the GGA by 2030.

This event is organised by the UN-led World Adaptation Science Programme (WASP). A distinguished panel of experts, spanning diverse stakeholder groups, will converge to contribute multifaceted perspectives to this critical dialogue, drawing on the work of the World Adaptation Science Programme Working Group on the Global Goal on Adaptation.

Participants are encouraged to actively engage in conversations elucidating the transformative potential of indicators—examining not only how they can be employed but also why and which specific indicators and targets hold the key to reshaping our understanding of global resilience and adaptation within the context of the GGA. By unravelling the nuanced interplay between indicators and the GGA, this session aims to generate new insights that amplify the collective efforts in navigating the challenges of a changing climate.

The event includes an introductory presentation on the Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA), followed by a panel discussion on indicators and targets for GGA, with perspectives from SIDS and African LDCs, the role of Nature-Based Solutions, and Transboundary Organisations. There will then be a Q&A with the panelists and audience.