The Inception meeting of the Advisory Committee for GEO for Business was held on 24 September at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Headquarters in Paris, France. The objective of the meeting was to review the draft work plan and timeline for delivering the publication, its annotated outline and develop a potential list of authors that would write the publication. The Advisory Committee is composed of representatives from key Business Non-Governmental Organizations including the World Business Council on Sustainable Development, World Economic Forum, Business at OECD and the International Chamber of Commerce. United Nations Agencies that are part of this initiative include the International Labour Organisation while United Nations Environment Programme colleagues are the UNEP Finance Initiative, UNEP Land Use Finance Unit and UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. The Chair of the Advisory Committee is Prof. Paul Ekins from University College London who also served as the Co-chair of the GEO-6. The Committee agreed on the work plan for delivery of a consolidated publication in October 2020.
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