Date: Thursday, 11 November 2021 Time: 16:00-17:30 pm GMT
Streaming Link:
Location: The Scottish Event Campus (SEC), Glasgow (Zone E on site map); Pen Y Fan plenary room
Hosted by the UK Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, this is a Ministerial event on critical policy actions to decarbonize buildings and how to successfully work with cities.
Ministers and mayors are uniting behind the urgency for action with one voice, one ambition: delivering and enabling a zero-emission, efficient, and resilient built environment. This event will showcase national and local level built environment action: it will highlight countries’ essential role in providing an enabling framework for stakeholders along the value chain and feature local governments as ‘challengers’ to showcase the need for deep collaboration and highlight their role in bridging the policy gap.
The event will demonstrate:
- Frontrunner country action and action solutions pathways on at least halving building-related emissions by 2030.
- City leadership and action with cities and regions recognised as critical policy enablers and market demand drivers that go beyond national government ambition, leading the way and providing an enabling environment and demand for industry.
- One Voice, One Ambition - city, regional and national government action is fully aligned behind common goals and targets.