• Overview

Date: Thursday 7​ September 2023

Time: 10:30am- 11:30am EAT

Location: Atlas Mountain Room, Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC)

This is an official side-event of the Africa Climate Week 2023. Live streaming link

The global shift to electric vehicles (EVs) is driven by the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, combat air pollution, and curb fossil fuel dependence. Ghana, in particular, faces air pollution challenges linked to vehicular emissions. 

This side event spotlights an innovative business model for introducing an electric bus system in Accra, using a Quality Bus Service (QBS) approach. Ghana is well-positioned to lead this transition, with a Drive Electric Initiative, National Electric Mobility Policy, and a roadmap in place. We are already seeing strides toward electric charging infrastructure, including solar-powered stations. 

Join us to discuss Ghana's e-mobility journey, investment plans, and engagements with financial institutions. Discover the role of public-private partnerships in accelerating Ghana's electric mobility transformation. 

Explore UNEP's full list of activities during Africa Climate Week/Africa Climate Summit 2023.