• Overview

Date and Time: 8 November 2021, 11:30 -13:00 GMT

Venue: In-person and virtual side event at the German Pavilion, COP 26 Blue Zone venue in Glasgow.

Organizer: UNEP & BMU (German Ministry of Environment) in collaboration with IUCN.

Contact: barney.dickson@un.org

More information: https://german-climate-pavilion.de/streaming (including virtual access to the event)


The world has reached a critical crossroads in its relationship to nature, as multiple global crises are unfolding at once. There are uncertainties and controversies surrounding the potential of Nature-based Solutions to contribute to climate mitigation. The meeting has two objectives. 

  1. To clarify the role of Nature-based Solutions in contributing to climate mitigation in the light of the best available science and policy developments, based on a briefing paper on NbS for mitigation developed by UNEP and IUCN, including the use of offsets in the achievement of net zero targets.
  2. To use past experiences and lessons learned to strengthen the broader narrative for Nature-based Solutions and the importance of developing pathways for implementation of NbS at scale.

This high-level interactive panel discussion will focus on how best to leverage policies, programmes, multi-stakeholder action, and partnerships to advance the implementation of global agreements and commitments to maximize co-benefits and leave no one behind by taking a closer look at the potential of NbS for climate mitigation.

In order, to get close to 1.5 degrees we need accelerated action on mitigation. The largest component of this must come from decarbonization. A new UNEP and IUCN publication - which will be presented during this event - concludes that there is evidence that a smaller but significant proportion must come from NbS.

The panelists will provide their perspectives on questions and issues emanating from the publication, such as:

  • What is the contribution that can be made by NbS for climate mitigation?
  • How can this contribution be financed?
  • How can take advantage of the benefits and avoid the risks of this way forward?
  • How can NbS provide multiple benefits and lead to greater synergies between the climate and biodiversity agendas so as supporting scaling up of implementation by Member States?
  • What major challenges exist for implementation? and what key factors could contribute to overcoming them?
  • How can governments, UN entities, and non-Party stakeholders more broadly, work together and build partnerships that will provide coherent and coordinated action to support the NbS potential for climate mitigation
  • What are the key messages for UNFCCC COP 26 and CBD COP 15, as well as for the public at large with regard to NbS climate mitigation potential?