• Overview

Date: Friday 8​ September 2023

Time: 10:30am- 11:30am EAT

Location: Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) 

This is an official side-event of the Africa Climate Week 2023.

As African nations face intertwined debt, development, and environmental challenges, sustainable budgeting stands out as a vital tool for holistic solutions. This side-event will examine sustainable budgeting's role in amplifying the impact of available finance on development and climate goals. 

We will discuss how sustainable budgeting can synchronize public finance with national priorities for integrated development, climate, and environmental targets, and guide private finance in the same direction. The focus will be on using budgeting strategically to reduce borrowing costs, boost long-term growth and resilience, and support shifts to low-carbon, nature-positive economies. The potential of de-risking tools and investment plans to mobilize capital for implementation will also be highlighted. 

Building on joint work by UNEP and partners, this event aims to foster a deeper understanding of sustainable budgeting's pivotal role in directing both public and private finance towards integrated development and environmental goals. 

Explore UNEP's full list of activities during Africa Climate Week/Africa Climate Summit 2023.