• Overview

On the occasion of the upcoming UNEA 5.2, the One Planet Network has prepared a high-level side event which will provide a platform to highlight its achievements in implementing the 10YFP. Additionally, as the One Planet Network is launching a global movement to change how We Think, Inspire and Act for Sustainable Consumption and Production and Circularity, this event will allow the introduction of the new global strategy under development.


DATE: Tuesday, 1st of March 2022

TIME: 6.15 PM - 7.45 PM (EAT)


Unsustainable consumption and production patterns are driving the triple planetary crisis, generating unbearable costs for our societies and environment. Reversing this trend to achieve the 2030 Agenda requires a profound, equitable transformation of our economies. This must be driven by resource efficient, low carbon, non-polluting and people-centered consumption and production patterns, that are leaving no one behind.

What can we change in how we think, act and share to accelerate and inspire this action? In this session we want to put the people and nature at the forefront of the new SCP strategy, so we will be focusing on changing how we think, act and inspire sustainable consumption and production. We will look at how to approach our consumption and production patterns differently: so that we have the largest global impact, leave no one behind and showcase game changing solutions.

The event will therefore consist of the two following panels:

  • Changing Behaviors in High Impact Sectors: Leadership examples from Governments and Businesses
  • Leaving no-one behind: Implementing Solutions that deliver for People and for Nature

The high-level speakers participating in the UNEA 5.2 Side-Event will soon be announced.


To register and watch the event online click here