• Overview

When: 2 June 2022, 13.30-14.45 CEST

Where: Stockholm, Sweden

More info: https://www.un-page.org/news-events/page-high-level-side-event-stockholm50

This official-side event will take place in Room 4 at the Stockholm+50 Conference venue (Stockholmsmassan) in Stockholm, Sweden. Accredited participants to the Conference can join the side-event in person, while our global audience can follow the live stream.

Linear and fossil-based economic and finance models of the past are no-longer an option in a world of increasing planetary crisis, climate risks, growing socioeconomic uncertainties, inequalities and poverty. These times of multiple and interconnected global crises call for broad-based partnerships that address economic, social and environmental dimensions in tandem that create resilience, sufficiency and increased capacities for human wellbeing and prosperity. In this event, policy makers, economists, UN leaders and civil society discuss solutions for accelerating progress towards the SDGs by revisiting economics and finance.

The challenge is to correct the gross misallocation of capital that is depleting natural resources and ecosystems, while eroding social foundations and trust in public institutions. Our responsibility is to accelerate policy and investment shifts for an inclusive, green, system-wide socioeconomic transformation that creates new sustainable development pathways and ensures prosperity for all within planetary boundaries. Our opportunity is the Stockholm+50 Conference, bringing together global leaders to urgently accelerate action on the SDGs. 

UNEP, ILO, UNDP, UNIDO & UNITAR under the auspices of the United Nations Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), together with funding partners, partner countries, and partner initiatives including the Environment for Development Initiative, Stockholm Resilience Center (Stockholm University), Poverty and Environment Action, UNEP Finance Initiative, among others. 


Welcome remarks:

  • Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator
  • Gerd Müller, UNIDO Director-General

Framing welcome and introduction of moderator by:

  • Steven Stone, Deputy Director, Economy Division, UNEP  

Framing remark:

  • H.E. Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, European Commission

Panel discussion 

Focused on key actions and actors needed to Revisit Economics and Finance to Accelerate Action for People & Planet

  • Hon. Dr. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister for Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia
  • Hon. Kavydass Ramano, Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change of Mauritius
  • Hon. Beob-jeong Kim, Deputy Minister of Environment, Republic of Korea
  • Hon. Cecilia Nicolini, State Secretary of Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Innovation, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Argentina
  • Ms Carin Jämtin, Director General of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Sweden
  • Ms Gita Sabharwal, UN Resident Coordinator in Thailand
  • Prof Kevin Urama, Chief Economist, AfDB and Vice President for the Economic Governance and Knowledge Management Complex

Engagement with the in-person audience.

Closing remarks:

  • Nikhil Seth, UNITAR Executive Director

Moderator: Alan AtKisson, Director of the Department of Partnership and Innovation, Sida, Sweden

*Light lunch will be served at the side-event from 13.15h CET


  • Hon. Dr. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Minister for Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia
  • Hon. Kavydass Ramano, Minister of environment and climate change, Mauritius 
  • Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, European Commission
  • Hon. Beob-jeong Kim, Deputy Minister of Environment, Republic of Korea,
  • Hon. Cecilia Nicolini, State Secretary of Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Innovation, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Argentina
  • Achim Steiner, UNDP Administrator 
  • Gerd Müller, UNIDO Director-General 
  • Nikhil Seth, UNITAR Executive Director
  • Gita Sabharwal, UN Resident Coordinator in Thailand 
  • Ms Carin Jämtin, Director General of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Sweden 
  • Prof Kevin Urama, Chief Economist, AfDB and Vice President for the Economic Governance and Knowledge Management Complex
  • Moderator: Alan AtKisson, Director of the Department of Partnership and Innovation, Sida, Sweden