The seventh edition of UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook was requested at the recently concluded UNEA 5.2. As per that resolution, UNEP has now started the process of producing this assessment. In this regard, this scoping meeting is aimed at developing, reviewing, and approving the scope of GEO-7.
The plan for the open ended expert meeting in October is to convene expert dialogues on food, energy and waste systems with the aim to review and approve a scoping document. This is meant to inform Member States about a solutions-focused approach for GEO-7. The expert dialogues are also meant to elicit key policy questions that Member States would like GEO-7 to answer.
Time: 10.00 - 18.00
1. Opening sessions, introductory remarks.
2. Introduction of meeting officials.
3. Expert dialogues.
4. Review of GEO-7 scoping document.
5. Review of the GEO-7 work plan and budget.
6. Agreement on revised GEO-7 scoping document.
7. Other matters.
8. Closing of the Meeting.