• Overview

Date: Monday 4​ September 2023

Time: 3:00pm-3:30pm EAT

Location: Climate Activation Room, Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) 

This is an Action Hub event of the Africa Climate Week 2023. Live streaming link.

The Solar-Electric Cooking Partnership (SOLCO) is a multi-stakeholder effort dedicated to providing affordable and clean cooking solutions for the growing number of displaced populations and their host communities, across the African continent. Solar e-cooking not only reduces household air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions but also addresses gender-based violence and deforestation while fostering economic development.  

The average daily cost of solar e-cooking has the potential to be around half that of using charcoal over a 5-year period, contingent on the provision of financing at either household level (direct asset financing) or at the company level (debt or equity) to overcome the relatively high up-front costs.  

This event seeks to present and discuss the advantages of using solar e-cooking as a clean cooking solution. We will also present SOLCO’s pledges to transition 250,000 households to solar-electric cooking, leveraging 100 million USD in financing across 8 countries in Africa by 2027, which will be launched at the Global Refugee Forum in December 2023. 

Explore UNEP's full list of activities during Africa Climate Week/Africa Climate Summit 2023.