Event: Freshwater Challenge Talk Show: Mobilising transboundary action to achieve ambitious goals
Date: Sunday 25th August, 4pm - 4:40pm (CEST)
Location: Waterfront Congress Centre, Talk Show Studio, Level 5
Convenors: Freshwater Challenge Core Partners (UNEP, WWF, IUCN, Conservation International, Wetlands International, the Nature Conservancy and the Ramsar Convention)
The purpose of the live session and Q&A session is to:
Introduce the context, importance and necessity of the Freshwater Challenge to a live audience
Provide specific examples of how countries are taking action for water bodies, and how partners are supporting these initiatives
Answer specific questions about the Challenge
Encourage others to get involved
Logistics: The 40-minute talk show will be broken up into a 20 minute live broadcast session, and a 20 minute in-person Q&A session.
- Mina Guli (CEO and Founder, Thirst Foundation) - Moderator
- Dianna Kopansky (Head of Freshwater Ecosystems and Wetlands Unit, UNEP) - Panelist
- Iara Bueno Giacomini (Director of River Basin Rehabilitation, Access to Water and Multiple Use of Water Resources, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Brazil) - Panelist
- Andrew Mware Kinyua (Director, National Water Resources, Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation, Kenya) - Panelist