• Overview

Date: Tuesday 2 November 2021           Time: 10.15-11.00 GMT          Running Time: 45 mins

Hosted by: UNEP-led Cool Coalition, United for Efficiency, Sustainable Energy For All

Location: Nordic Pavilion, Glasgow, United Kingdom      


Context: Lack of effective cold chain is estimated to directly result in losses of 475 million tonnes or 13% of total food production. The food that is currently produced and not eaten results in 8% of the global total greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, refrigeration equipment used in the food cold-chain is responsible for 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions. 

Acting on sustainable cold chain offers a multi-faceted win for people and the planet, and is key to achieve the SDGs and Paris Agreement goals. Ensuring local and global “field to fork” connectivity can help nutritiously feed 10 billion people sustainably, support the wellbeing of millions of small- scale farmers, and mitigate food loss and wastage. 

This session aims at highlighting why climate action must sensibly include strategies to expand and transition to sustainable cold chains to reduce emissions from food loss and increase resilience, while delivering on rural development, energy access, community resilience, food security, nutrition and health. Our hope is that the exchange of insights and best practices will inspire commitments to transformational action on sustainable food cold chains at COP26 and beyond.
