• Overview

The cobranded side-event organized by the Quadripartite Joint Secretariat on AMR (QJS) will take place at the Fourth Health Working Group Meeting of the G20.

When: 2 September 2024, 13h30-15h00 (BRT)

Where: Natal, Brazil, with possibility for virtual participation. Registration link to receive event joining link here.

The event aims to showcase the catalytic power and impact of the AMR Multi-Partner Trust Fund (AMR MPTF) through country examples of One Health response to AMR. Participants will gain insights into how the Fund is supporting and facilitating the implementation of multi-sectoral AMR National Action Plans, leveraging the collective expertise of the Quadripartite (FAO; UNEP; WHO and WOAH) partners with the generous contributions and support from Resource Partners. 

The event will also provide an opportunity to discuss the urgent need for increased and sustainable financing for the AMR country and global response and explore the potential of the AMR MPTF in providing targeted, demand-driven and comprehensive multi-sectoral support to countries in their efforts to turn the tide of AMR in the run-up to the UN High-Level Meeting on AMR in New York in September 2024 and the 4th High-Level Ministerial Meeting on AMR in November 2024.