Title: Towards Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems: Agroecology, Soil and Healthy Diets
Date: 24 July
Time: 13:30-14:30 CET
Location: FAO HQ, Ethiopia Room
Description: With over one-third of the Earth’s surface being degraded, the ecosystems’ ability to produce healthy and nutritious food is limited. A powerful lever, agroecology provides sustainable solutions to issues of soil degradation, climate, biodiversity, food security and nutrition, including precarious livelihoods and social inequalities, faced by farmers and food system workers.
This Side Event will look at understanding the linkages across health, nutrition and environmental sustainability highlights opportunities for collaboration, and generating knowledge to call for action to invest in agroecology, soil, nature and people in transforming food systems.
Organizers: UNEP, Agroecology Coalition, Healthy Diets Coalition, Coalition for Action on Soil Heath, Food Is Never Waste Coalition
More information on this Side Event. Register to the virtual campus to participate virtually.
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