• Overview
  • Schedule
  • Activity Summary Report

Date: 14-18 November 2022 | Time: 3-6 pm (China Time)/ 8-11 am (CET) every day | Venue: Online


The 2022 PAGE Academy, organised with the UN Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), Tongji University and partners, will gather policymakers, experts from UNEP, UNDP, UNIDO, ILO, and non-state actors to share country efforts and experiences towards the synergy between pollution control and carbon reduction, aiming to support the global transition to an inclusive Green Economy.

Topics covered by the Academy

This Academy engages key experts and country representatives to share their knowledge and experiences on Inclusive Green Economy, alongside diving into a special cross-cutting issue — synergy between pollution control and carbon reduction.

  • Inclusive Green Economy: An economy that is low-carbon, efficient, and clean in production, as well as inclusive in consumption and outcomes, based on sharing, circularity, collaboration, solidarity, resilience, opportunity, and interdependence.
  • Synergy between pollution control and carbon reduction: A phenomenon in which carbon mitigation and pollution control affected each other, in different aspect including air, water, and solid waste management, as well as in different context including urban planning, industrial development, and nature-based solutions.

What you will learn

This Academy aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills they need to promote green economy, particularly on:

  • What to "include" in Inclusive Green Economy?
  • What are the new tools and methods for mainstreaming the green economy in policymaking and corporate strategy?
  • Technology and applications with a focus on the synergy between pollution control and carbon reduction.
  • What is the role of green finance?

Target audience

  • Policymakers, decision-makers, and technical staff from civil society organisations, trade unions, employers' organisations, businesses, and research institutions
  • Staff and practitioners from PAGE partner agencies, collaborating agencies, and funding partners.

Useful info

Apply before 11 November 2022 via: https://forms.office.com/r/1THDQbfY7V. By completing the registration form, you will be emailed regarding the ZOOM details.

For more information, please visit the event page: https://unep-iesd.tongji.edu.cn/iesden/4d/09/c13758a281865/page.htm

About organisers

The Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), a partnership of 5 UN Agencies (UNEP, ILO, UNDP, UNIDO, and UNITAR) launched after the RIO+20 meeting to support countries in various stages of policy development and growth to move towards a green development combined with inclusive growth.

The Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD), was jointly established by UNEP and Tongji University in 2002, as interdisciplinary platform for education and research, with a focus on the global south.


Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD), a partnership between UNEP and Tongji University

Office: +86-21-6598 3548/7790 

Email: jiaqian@tongji.edu.cn

Website: https://unep-iesd.tongji.edu.cn/

Address: 903, Zhonghe Building, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, P.R.China


Who's speaking
  • Abu Saieed
    Green Industry Expert, UNIDO
  • Cary Krosinsky
    Yale College and Faculty Advisory Committee, Energy Studies, Yale University
  • Changhee Lee
    Director of ILO Country Office for China and Mongolia
  • Claire Potdevin
    Economic and Trade Policy Unit, UNEP
  • Dongwen Hu
    Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences
  • Dr Cristina Martinez
    Senior Specialist Environment & Decent Work, Asia-Pacific Coordinator Green Jobs & Just Transition, ILO
  • Dr Cristina Martinez
    Senior Specialist Environment & Decent Work, Asia-Pacific Coordinator Green Jobs & Just Transition

    Topic: Carbon neutralization and Just Transition in Asia Pacific – ILO Just Transition Guidelines and its application
  • Dr Samantha Sharpe
    Research Director, Institute for Sustainable Future (ISF)/University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Convenor of the Textile Eco-innovation Research Network Asia (TERN)

    Topic: Introduction of ILO Just Transition Toolkit for the Textile and Garment Sector in Asia
  • Eric Roeder (Moderator)
    Technical Specialist on Green Jobs, Climate Action and Resilience through Just Transition - Asia Pacific Region
  • Fei Leng (Moderator)
    UNDP Biofin
  • Hannes Mac Nulty
    Senior Green Industry Advisor, Green Growth Knowledge Partnership
  • Jiang Wu
    Dean, Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development
  • Jorge Laguna Celis
    Head of One Planet Network, UN Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP)
  • Joy Kim
    Senior Economic Affairs Officer, Economy Division, UNEP
  • Llorenç Milà i Canals
    Life Cycle Initiative, UNEP
  • Merlyn Van Voore
    Head of Secretariat, International Resource Panel, UNEP
  • Min Shi
    Director of Science and Technology Cooperation Department, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment
  • Peiming Lv
    Executive Vice President, Tongji University
  • Peiyuan Guo
    UNEP FI China Advisor
  • Prof. Ming Xu
    Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University
  • Prof. Qi Zhang
    Dean, Academy of Chinese Energy Strategy, China University of Petroleum-Beijing
  • Prof. Yutao Wang
    Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University
  • Ruizhe Sun
    President of China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC)
  • Siddharth Chatterjee
    UN Resident Coordinator in China
  • Steven Stone
    Deputy Director, Economy Division, UNEP
  • Tim Scott
    Policy Advisor and Member of PAGE Management Board, UNDP
  • Youngmo Yoon
    Senior Specialist Social Dialogue & Industrial Relations, ILO

    Topic: The role of social dialogue in promoting a Just Transition
  • Youngran Hur
    Programme Management Officer, Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs), UNEP

14 Nov 2022

Time & Place
Event Details
Opening Remarks Speakers:
Siddharth Chatterjee UN Resident Coordinator in China
Steven Stone Deputy Director, Economy Division, UNEP
Peiming Lv Executive Vice President, Tongji University
Prof. Zhiwei Wang (Moderator) Dean of College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University
Keynote Speech I: From UNEP’s Green Economy Initiative to Inclusive Green Economy Speaker:
Joy Kim Senior Economic Affairs Officer, Economy Division, UNEP
Keynote Speech II: Green and Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta Speaker:
Min Shi Director of Science and Technology Cooperation Department, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment
Tea Break 15-min break
Keynote Speech III: Sustainable Investing-Revolutions in Theory and Practice Speaker:
Cary Krosinsky Yale College and Faculty Advisory Committee, Energy Studies, Yale University
Wrap up and discussion Moderator:
Prof. Ying Wang Vice Dean of IESD, Vice Dean of College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University

15 Nov 2022

Time & Place
Event Details
Sustainable Consumption and Production Speaker:
Jorge Laguna Celis Head of One Planet Network, UN Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP)
Life cycle thinking and carbon neutrality Speaker:
Prof. Ming Xu Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University
Tea Break 15-min break
Carbon neutrality and circular bio-economy Speaker:
Prof. Yutao Wang Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University
End plastic pollution: Towards an international legally binding Instrument Speaker:
Llorenç Milà i Canals Life Cycle Initiative, UNEP
Wrap up and discussion Moderator: TBC

16 Nov 2022

Time & Place
Event Details
Sustainable Resource Management Speaker:
Merlyn Van Voore Head of Secretariat, International Resource Panel, UNEP
Technology Prospect for Carbon Neutrality Speaker:
Prof. Qi Zhang Dean, Academy of Chinese Energy Strategy, China University of Petroleum-Beijing
Tea Break 15-min break
The role of green finance and fiscal policy in pollution control and carbon neutrality Speakers:
Peiyuan Guo UNEP FI China Advisor
Dongwen Hu Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences
Claire Potdevin Economic and Trade Policy Unit, UNEP
Fei Leng (Moderator) UNDP Biofin
Wrap up and discussion Moderator: TBC

17 Nov 2022

Time & Place
Event Details
Welcome and Opening Speakers:
Local government welcoming remarks TBC
Xuejun Cao First Level Inspector of the Consumer Products Industry Department, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)
Ruizhe Sun President of China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC)
Changhee Lee Director of ILO Country Office for China and Mongolia
Chinese representative (TBC) (Moderator) (TBC)
Session I: Just transition in the Textile and Garment Sector Speakers:
Dr Cristina Martinez Senior Specialist Environment & Decent Work, Asia-Pacific Coordinator Green Jobs & Just Transition

Topic: Carbon neutralization and Just Transition in Asia Pacific – ILO Just Transition Guidelines and its application
Dr Samantha Sharpe Research Director, Institute for Sustainable Future (ISF)/University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Convenor of the Textile Eco-innovation Research Network Asia (TERN)

Topic: Introduction of ILO Just Transition Toolkit for the Textile and Garment Sector in Asia
Youngmo Yoon Senior Specialist Social Dialogue & Industrial Relations, ILO

Topic: The role of social dialogue in promoting a Just Transition
Eric Roeder (Moderator) Technical Specialist on Green Jobs, Climate Action and Resilience through Just Transition - Asia Pacific Region
Dong Wang (Commentator) Programme Director of SDG Localization, UNDP in China
Session II: Local and enterprise level policies and practices on promoting Just Transition in Textile and Garment Sector Speakers:
Humen enterprise representative Topic: The experience and practice of green development and responsible transformation
Youngran Hur Programme Management Officer, Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs), UNEP
Di Tang Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Senior Policy Analyst
Xiaohui Liang (Moderator) Chief Researcher Social Responsibility, China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC)
Abu Saieed (Commentator) Green Industry Expert, UNIDO
Closing and Next-steps Speakers:
Dr Cristina Martinez Senior Specialist Environment & Decent Work, Asia-Pacific Coordinator Green Jobs & Just Transition, ILO
Dapeng Chen Vice President, China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC)

18 Nov 2022

Time & Place
Event Details
Green Industry and Eco-Industrial Park Speakers:
• Hannes MAC NULTY, Senior Green Industry Advisor, Green Growth Knowledge Partnership
Abu Saieed Green Industry Expert, UNIDO
Hannes Mac Nulty Senior Green Industry Advisor, Green Growth Knowledge Partnership
Closing ceremony Speakers:
Tim Scott Policy Advisor and Member of PAGE Management Board, UNDP
Jiang Wu Dean, Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development

PAGE Academy ended successfully on 18 November. For a week, participants engaged online with experts and country representatives to talk about Green Economy & synergies between pollution control and carbon reduction. On this occasion, PAGE China, led by UNEP, celebrated its graduation ceremony in collaboration with the Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD), a partnership between UNEP and Tongji University based in Shanghai.

Opening Ceremony











From 14th to 18th November, the 2022 PAGE Academy, with venues in China, Thailand and online, brought together Chinese governments at different levels, international organisations (UNEP, ILO, UNDP and UNIDO), academia, enterprises and over 200 participants from over 15 countries, alongside facilitating deliberations to transform economies into drivers of sustainability by reframing economic policies and practices.

Siddaharth Chatterjee, UN Resident Coordinator, Steven Stone, Deputy Director Economy Division UNEP and chair of the PAGE management board, and Professor Peiming Lyu, Executive Vice-President of Tongji University opened the academy. The launch session was moderated by Professor Zhiwei Wang, Dean of the College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University.

Siddharth Chatterjee said that the UN in China will continue to assist China in advancing the greening of the industry alongside stimulating the creation and development of the new green industry. Steven Stone recognised the achievement made by PAGE China from 2015. Professor Peiming Lyu emphasised Tongji’s commitment to promoting sustainable development with UNEP by founding the Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD) in 2002.

The opening was also complemented with three keynotes.

Joy Kim, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, Economic and Trade Policy Unit, UNEP, shared about UNEP’s Green Economy Initiative to Inclusive Green Economy. She illustrated the evolution of the green economy concept in the context of the United Nations since 2008. Specifically, she pointed out that, with PAGE’s assistance in macro-level policy monitoring, all cities in Jiangsu have made progress in green development. Led by UNEP and UNIDO, policy recommendations, including strategic planning, industrial policies, environmental protection and risk management, social security, and capacity building, have been suggested for China’s green industrial development. UNEP and ILO have also provided technical support for greening the textile sector in China, covering voluntary sustainability standards, non-tariff measures for the textile trade, clean production in the textile industry and more. See Keynote – Joy Kim

From Joy Kim, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, Economic and Trade Policy Unit, UNEP











Min Shi, Director of the Science and Technology Cooperation Department, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, shared about the green and integrated development of the Yangtse River Delta. One of the highlights is Shanghai’s industrial restructuring; for example, more than 10,000 municipal industrial restructuring projects were completed in Jinshan, Taopu, Nanda, and Wujing Districts. Since 2010, Shanghai’s carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption per unit of GDP have been reduced by more than 50%. See Keynote – Min Shi

From Min Shi, Director of the Science and Technology Cooperation Department, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment




Cary Krosinsky, Yale College and Faculty Advisory Committee, Energy Studies, Yale University, shared about sustainable investing and the current state of sustainable finance. He emphasised the importance of policy- and country-level commitment to green transitions. However, it is more important to accelerate corporate and investment strategy implementation, combined with maximised innovation as possible in parallel, and build a global consensus to act. See keynote – Cary Krosinsky

From Cary Krosinsky, Yale College and Faculty Advisory Committee, Energy Studies, Yale University









Day 2

Professor Yutao Wang, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, elaborated carbon neutrality and circular bioeconomy. Mr Jorge Laguna Celis, Head of One Planet Network, UN Framework of Programme on Sustainable Consumption and Product (10YFP), shared about the acceleration of SDG 12 implementation and the New Global Strategy of sustainable consumption and production (SCP). He further talked about the key results for country implementation and regional support made by the One Planet Network in 2022, including inter-agency collaboration, working with sister initiatives (GO2SDGs and PAGE), and mainstreaming capacity for countries.

From Jorge Laguna Celis, Head of One Planet Network, UN Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP)








Llorenc Mila I Canals, Life Cycle Initiative, UNEP, introduced the new UNEA Resolution “End Plastic Pollution: Towards a legally binding instrument” that establishes an intergovernmental negotiating committee for developing the specific contents of the new plastic pollution treaty. He further talked about the life-cycle approach that addresses plastic pollution, emphasising that circularity in the economy is a critical part of the solution. Professor Ming Xu, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, talked about life cycle thinking and carbon neutrality from an academic angle. See keynote – Llorenc Mila I Canals

From Llorenc Mila I Canals, Life Cycle Initiative, UNEP











Day 3

On Day 3, Merlyn Van Voore, Head of Secretariat, International Resource Panel, UNEP, introduced sustainable resource management. Professor Qi Zhang, Dean and Academy of Chinese Energy Strategy, China University of Petroleum-Beijing, talked about the prospect of Carbon Neutrality in terms of technological advancement. Moderated by Ms Fei Leng, UNDP; Mr Peiyuan Guo, UNEP FI China Advisor; Ms Dongwen Hu, Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences, and Claire Potdevin, Economic and Trade Policy Unit, UNEP, discussed the role of green finance and fiscal policy in pollution control and carbon neutrality. Notably, Ms Claire Potdevin indicated the need to address complexity, fairness, social and political acceptability, and revenue dependency when using fiscal policies to address failures. See keynote – Claire Potdevin

From Claire Potdevin, Economic and Trade Policy Unit, UNEP










Day 4

On Day 4, ILO organised the International Summit and Capacity Building Workshop on Green Development and Responsible Transformation for a Just Transition in the Textile and Garment Sector in China with China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC). The event was held in a hybrid mode in Human Township, Guangdong Province.

Mr Qingqiu Wu, Deputy Party Secretary and Mayor of Humen; Ms Cao Xuejun, First Level Inspector of the Consumer Products Industry Department, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT); Mr SUN Ruizhe, President of China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC), and Mr LEE Chang-Hee, PhD, Director of ILO Country Office for China and Mongolia, were invited for opening remarks.

In the first session regarding Just transition in the Textile and Garment Sector, Dr Cristina Martinez, Senior Specialist Environment & Decent Work, Asia-Pacific Coordinator Green Jobs & Just Transition, shared about carbon neutralisation and just transition in Asia Pacific, alongside ILO Just Transition Guidelines and its application. Dr Samantha Sharpe, Research Director, Institute for Sustainable Future (ISF)/University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Convenor of the Textile Eco-innovation Research Network Asia (TERN), introduced ILO Just Transition Toolkit for the Textile and Garment Sector in Asia. Mr Youngmo Yoon, Senior Specialist in Social Dialogue & Industrial Relations at ILO, talked about the role of social dialogue in promoting a Just Transition.

In the second session regarding Local and enterprise-level policies and practices on promoting Just Transition in the Textile and Garment Sector, Mr Zuo Chao, Executive Deputy General Manager of Dongguan Bili Garment Co. Ltd, shared the experience and practice of green development and responsible transformation. Ms Youngran Hur, Programme Management Officer, Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs), UNEP, examined the industry’s environmental, social, and economic impacts. Ms Tang Di, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Senior Policy Analyst, recommended China develop a Just Transition disclosure framework for enterprises.

For more details on the Summit, please visit the ILO website.


Day 5

On Day 5, Mr Abu Saieed, Green Industry Expert at UNIDO, introduced the Green Industry Progress (GIPro) Index for 18 Chinese Provinces, a pilot study ion applying the International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks to four Jiangsu industrial parks in China, and the identifications of industrial symbiosis and synergy opportunities in Shanghai Hangzhou Bay Industrial Park. See keynote – Abu Saieed

From Abu Saieed, Green Industry Expert, UNIDO

Mr Hannes Mac Nulty, Senior Green Industry Advisor, Green Growth Knowledge Partnership, introduced I-GO Network that connects and empowers SME Stakeholders in the green industry. He further indicated that via a global library of resource efficiency knowledge and support services, resource efficiency checks, access to tailor support, feasibility study, benchmarking, and performance tracking, it is possible to overcome the communication gaps for greening industries. See keynote -Hannes Mac Nulty

From Hannes Mac Nulty, Senior Green Industry Advisor, Green Growth Knowledge Partnership










In the closing ceremony, Mr Tim Scott, Policy Advisor and Member of PAGE Management Board, UNDP, and Professor Jiang Wu, Dean, IESD, concluded the PAGE Academy in China. This Academy successfully engaged key experts and country representatives to share their knowledge and experiences on Inclusive Green Economy, alongside diving into a special cross-cutting issue — synergy between pollution control and carbon reduction.