• Overview

This Asia Pacific Green Public Procurement (GPP) Network webinar session, hosted by KEITI and UNEP on 24 March 2022 focused on the Green Public Procurement of Energy-Efficient Cooling Appliances in Asia and the Pacific.

It provided an overview of United for Efficiency's GPP Guidelines for Energy-Efficient Air-Conditioners and Life-cycle costing calculation tool.

It also included two case studies from India and Thailand, with presentations from Environmental Design Solutions (EDS) / US Aid on the development of GPP criteria for ACs in India, and from GIZ's Green Cooling Initiative on Enhancing the uptake of green cooling technologies in Thailand.

The webinar recording can be viewed on the Asia Pacific GPP Network Youtube channel and presentations along with relevant additional material are proposed below.

webinar cover page

Speakers' presentations:

Useful links and resources on the GPP of Cooling appliances:

More webinars from the Asia Pacific GPP Network