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Date: 3 June 2024

Time: 6pm Nairobi | 5pm Paris | 10am Chicago

Event Details:

Our world’s ecosystems are under threat. Unsustainable patterns of production and consumption are driving the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. The world’s freshwater ecosystems, in particular, supply food and water to billions of people, protect us from droughts and floods, and provide habitat for countless plants and animals. They also sustain the water cycles that keep land fertile and are crucial for restoration. Yet, these freshwater ecosystems are disappearing at an alarming rate, degraded by pollution, climate change, overfishing and overextraction.

In celebration of this year's World Environment Day, which focuses on land degradation, desertification, and drought, UNEP and Rotary International are joining forces to highlight water is life and all life depends on water. The Community Action for Freshwater, is the flagship initiative formed between UNEP and Rotary that aims to protect, restore, and sustain freshwater ecosystems.

Join UNEP and Rotary colleagues to learn more about UNEP's work on freshwater ecosystems and closing the data gap on water quality and the health of water-related ecosystems worldwide, and the urgent need for Rotary clubs to get involved and engage in this new and exciting initiative. 

Webinar Panelists:

Lis Bernhardt, Programme Management Officer, UNEP

Mina Guli, CEO of Thirst Foundation, water advocate, and ultra-marathon runner

Stuart Warner, SDG Indicator 632 Specialist, UNEP

Faith Nangila, Communication Lead, Green Generation Initiative

Mark Maloney, Chair-Elect and Trustee, Rotary International


CAFW WED Webinar