Title: Leveraging Interlinkages Between the Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ Agreement) and Related Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)
Date: 18 March 2025 Time: 15:00 – 16:30 (EAT, UTC+3)
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- To provide a comprehensive briefing on UNEP’s ongoing work related to the BBNJ Agreement issues and its linkages with biodiversity and chemicals and waste-related MEAs and RSCAPs.
- To explore linkages and potential synergies between the selected MEAs and the BBNJ Agreement to support its effective implementation.
- To discuss technical assistance coordination among UNEP, chemicals and waste management MEAs, and RSCAPs to assist countries in implementing the BBNJ Agreement.
- To equip participants with the capacity to engage with member states on crosscutting issues and the interconnection of their respective legal instruments with the BBNJ Agreement.
- Enhanced understanding of the linkages between the BBNJ Agreement and biodiversity and chemicals and waste-related MEAs.
- Identified opportunities for UNEP and selected MEAs to coordinate technical assistance to countries.
- Strengthened synergies between chemicals and waste management MEAs and RSCAPs to support BBNJ implementation.
- Identified areas of interest and improvement for the draft report analysing the overlay of the BBNJ Agreement with biodiversity, chemicals and waste related MEAs by UNEP Ecosystems and Law Divisions in collaborating with UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
Target Audience
UNEP Ecosystems, Law Divisions, UNEP-WCMC, Representatives of secretariats of CBD, CMS, CITES, BRS Conventions, and Minamata Convention; Representatives of RSCAPs; DOALOS; and IPBES.
For Enquiries: Gracian Banda, Head, Montevideo Coordination and Delivery Unit, Law Division
Sinikinesh Jimma, Head, Marine and Freshwater Branch, Ecosystems Division