• Overview

Duration of Webinar – 90 minutes 

Wednesday, 28 August · 11.00 am – 12.30 pm; (EAT)

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, observed on 7th September 2024, under the theme "Invest in #CleanAirNow," highlights the critical need for stronger partnerships, increased investment, and shared responsibility in combating air pollution. In commemoration of this event, UNEP will host an online event focused on enhancing urban air quality through sustainable waste management in African cities. This webinar will convene a diverse group of stakeholders, including Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) members from across Africa, state and non-state actors, CCT networks, CCAC partners, AMCEN, and global audiences dedicated to addressing the urgent issue of air quality in urban settings.

Program Itinerary 

  1. Opening Remarks by Ms Fatou Ndoye, Deputy Director, UNEP Regional Office for Africa, Nairobi on “International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies.” 
  2. Presentations by selected MSP partners - Open Waste Burning Mitigation on following subjects: 
  • Improving urban air quality through segregation at source based open burning avoidance. 
  • Role of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) based financing for enhanced Plastic waste recycling and minimizing open waste burning. 
  • Exploring potential of green jobs through enhanced waste recycling and minimizing open waste burning. 
  • Potential of Co-Processing for minimized dumping of Single Use Plastic (SUP) and its open burning avoidance.
  • Achieving Circular economy and mitigating Green House Gas (GHG) impact through enhanced organic waste segregation at source and recycling. 
  • Communicating health Impacts of open waste burning among communities.
  1. Closing Speech: Mr Donovan Storey Waste Expert, Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) 
  2. Moderation by: Dr Bharat Bhushan Nagar, Open Waste Burning Manager (OWB Manager), Climate Champions Team 

Attendees are invited to join using this  link