• Overview

When: Tuesday, 7 December 2021 | 8am – 9:30am EST | 1pm – 2:30pm GMT

Where: Online, register here

In 2020, the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy (Ocean Panel) set out a new ocean action agenda for the decade to transform humanity’s relationship with and impacts upon the ocean. The ‘headline’ of this action agenda was an ambitious commitment to sustainably manage 100% of the ocean area under national jurisdiction, guided by Sustainable Ocean Plans, by 2025*.  In addition, they urged all coastal and ocean states to join them in this commitment so that by 2030 all ocean areas under national jurisdiction are sustainably managed. A Sustainable Ocean Plan is the foundation for delivering on this commitment. This online event will launch 100% Sustainable Ocean Management: An Introduction to Sustainable Ocean Plans. Commissioned by the Ocean Panel, this guide elaborates on the ‘who, what, when, where, why and how’ of Sustainable Ocean Plans and suggests initial steps to help countries get started on—or accelerate—sustainable ocean planning. The event will also launch a new action coalition dedicated to providing the technical and financial assistance countries may need to develop their Sustainable Ocean Plans. Join this event to hear first-hand from Ocean Panel country representatives about their experiences in developing Sustainable Ocean Plans, from authors of the newly launched guide, and from members of the new action coalition. *Countries joining the Ocean Panel effort after 2020 may commit to develop and be guided by Sustainable Ocean Plans within five years of joining, with the aim of sustainably managing 100% of the ocean area under national jurisdiction. Speakers

  • Peter ThomsonUnited Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for the Ocean (Opening Remarks)
  • Peter HauganProgramme Director, Institute of Marine Research Norway, and Co-chair, Ocean Panel Expert Group (Keynote Presenter)


  • Satyendra PrasadPermanent Representative to the United Nations and Sherpa for the Prime Minister on the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, Fiji 
  • Charlotte De FontaubertGlobal Lead for the Blue Economy and PROBLUE Program Manager, The World Bank 
  • Julian BarbièreHead of Marine Policy and Regional Coordination, IOC-UNESCO 
  • Others to be confirmed


  • Kristian TelekiHead of Secretariat, High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy & Global Director, Ocean, World Resources Institute (Event Moderator)
  • Craig HansonVice President, Food, Forest, Water & the Ocean, World Resources Institute (Panel Moderator)   

UNEP - a partner in the Ocean Action 2030 - promotes the protection and sustainable management of the world’s marine and coastal environments. Ocean Action 2030 is a voluntary coalition dedicated to helping countries develop Sustainable Ocean Plans. 

Further information