• Overview

Muslims around the world are concerned about climate change and its impact on humanity. However, many Muslim leaders have been discussing their role, how Islam addresses issues related to climate change and how Muslim leaders can lead a concerted movement to mobilize the larger community across the globe. 

This webinar, organized in collaboration with the Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board of the United Kingdom, will bring together Islamic scholars to discuss the role of Mosques and Imams in the decade of climate action.

Title: Mosques, Imams & Climate Action 

Date: Thursday 5th November 2020

Time: 6pm - 7pm in London

For registration https://bit.ly/3kbrfpn


1. Dr Fazlun Khalid 

Founder Director - Islamic Foundation for Ecology & Environmental Sciences - The Urgency For Climate Action - An Islamic Perspective

2. Qari Asim MBE

Chair - Mosque & Imams National Advisory Board (MINAB) - The Role of Mosques and Imams

3. Dr Iyad Abumoghli

Director - Faith For Earth, United Nations Environment Programme - Faith For Earth - The Global Potential   

4. Naeema Hales

Outreach Manager, IFEES/EcoIslam - The Role of Muslim Women in Environmental Protection 

5. Fahmida Khatun - TBC

The Hive, Al Madina Mosque, Barking - Environmental Practices in Mosques 

6. Kamran Shezad

Bahu Trust - Host 
