• Overview
  • Agenda

The UNEP Adaptation Gap Report 2021 webinar features presentations and discussions of the key findings from the report. In view of the Global Stocktake coming up in 2023, the webinar will provide a snapshot of where the world stands in its collective efforts to adapt to the impacts of climate change. It presents conclusions from the report's assessment of progress in three central elements of the adaptation process: planning, financing and implementation. The report also provides an overview of the emerging impacts of COVID-19 on global adaptation planning processes and the availability of adaptation financing - showcasing how the pandemic and climate change have created compound risks that negatively affect adaptive capacity of governments and communities, but also present a window of opportunity for green and resilient recovery and learning.

When:  23 November 2021; 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (CET)

Where: Online


3:00 – 3:02pm -  Introduction to webinar

                               Lars Christiansen, Senior Project Officer (UNEP DTU Partnership)

3:02 – 3:05pm - Welcome by UNEP

                               Niklas Hagelberg, Coordinator of UNEP's subprogramme on Climate Change (UNEP)

3:05 – 3:10pm - Setting the frame - The Adaptation Gap Report

                             Lars Christiansen, Senior Project Officer (UNEP DTU Partnership)

3:10 – 3:40 pm - Presentations of key findings of the report

  • Global progress on adaptation planning (3:10-3:15)

          Fatin Tawfig (UNFCCC)

  • Global progress on financing for adaptation (3:15-3:20)

          Paul Watkiss (Paul Watkiss Associates)

  • Global progress on implementation (3:20-3:25)

         Timo Leiter (Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science)

  • Emerging consequences of COVID-19 on adaptation planning and finance (3:25-3:35)

         Arjuna Dibley (Pollination and University of Oxford)/ Thom Wetzer (University of Oxford)

  • Outlook on outcomes of adaptation effort (3:35-3:40)

         Alexandre Magnan (IDDRI)

3:35 – 4:00pm - Panel discussion

                              Priorities for scaling up global action on adaptation and lessons from COVID-19 for a green and resilient recovery


                            Henry Neufeldt, Head of Section, Impact Assessment and Adaptation Analysis (UNEP DTU Partnership)


  • Alessandra Sgobbi (Adaptation Committee Co-Chair (Italy - representing WEOG )
  • Cecilia da Silva Bernardo (Adaptation Committee Co-Chair (Angola - representing LDCs)
  • Chris Gordon (WASP member and University of Ghana)
  • Minpeng Chen (AGR Steering Committee, WASP member and Renmin University of China)
  • Youssef Nassef Director, Adaptation (UNFCCC)

4:00 – 4:25pm - Q&A with questions from the audience to authors and panel members

4:25 – 4:30pm - Closing

                              Henry Neufeldt, Head of Section, Impact Assessment and Adaptation Analysis (UNEP DTU Partnership)