• Overview

Knowledge exchange: Unlocking Private Finance for Restoration: Mobilizing Investment

When: 24 May 2022, 11am CEST

Register here: via Zoom

Private investment in nature-based solutions needs to accelerate significantly to meet global climate change goals. One of the ways to achieve this is through the development of dedicated impact investment funds that can channel funding to land-use projects with positive environmental impacts.

Yet despite the growing recognition of the importance of nature-based solutions, there are still relatively few private investment vehicles dedicated to sustainable land use activities that contribute to the restoration and protection of forests. Although there is a growing number of fund managers and investment advisers interested in launching funds pursuing such investment strategies, and growing mandates for investors to fund them, the number of funds successfully launching remains low.

Following up on our first knowledge exchange webinar dedicated to the challenges of building investment portfolios of restoration-friendly projects, this webinar will convene investors and fund managers to explore the challenges of scaling up private investment in nature-based solutions and discuss the opportunities for overcoming them. Join us to hear from industry leaders on how to accelerate the flow of private finance to innovative models that demonstrate commercial profitability as well as positive environmental and social impact.

Learn more about the Restoration Seed Capital Facility and subscribe to the Climate Finance Unit's newsletter for future updates here.