3rd Africa Animal Welfare Conference which is an annual conference co-hosted by Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW) in collaboration with UN Environment for professionals and practitioners, coming together to discuss issues that cut across animal welfare, wildlife and environmental conservation.
The of theme of 3rd Africa Animal Welfare Conference will be: Animals, Environment and Sustainable Development in 21st Century Africa: An Interlinked Approach.
Venue and Date The Africa Animal Welfare Conference 2019 will be held at the UN Conference Centre in Addis Ababa (UNCC-AA) Ethiopia, from 2-4 September 2019. The venue is within the larger United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UN ECA) complex in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
2019 Conference Objectives
- To demonstrate the link between Animal Welfare and the attainment of sustainable development in Africa.
- To establish a focused and well-informed caucus of animal welfare practitioners and stakeholders who are cognizant of prevailing policies and legislation and any gaps thereof.
- To assess the progress of agreed resolutions from 2018 Conference.
- To develop benchmarks and resources for necessary advice and support for stakeholders in Animal Welfare and environment issues across Africa.
- To illustrate progress towards mainstreaming Animal Welfare in the United Nations and Member States across Africa and championing the gains realized through the Africa Platform for Animal Welfare (APAW).
- To entrench the role of communities in achieving responsible use of animals, improving animal welfare and supporting environmental conservation in Africa.
- To interrogate the place of civil society and relevant resolutions from the fourth United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA4) held in March 2019 themed “Innovative solutions for environmental challenges and sustainable consumption and production”.
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