• Overview
  • Schedule

On 2 December 2021 (9:00-11:30 CET), UNEP and its implementing partners of the United Nations Development Account-funded project “Enhancing sustainable public procurement for the regional transition to inclusive green economy in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia” (UNDA SPP project) have hosted the Second Pan-European Regional Workshop on Sustainable Public Procurement. 

The workshop, which was conducted in English and Russian, aimed to review progress in the area of sustainable public procurement (SPP) and ecolabelling in Central Asia and Eastern European countries, particularly Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. During the workshop, countries presented and exchanged their experience in the development of SPP and ecolabelling policies, the capacity of the public sector and enterprises to respond to SPP tenders, and awareness. Examples of good practices and success stories from pan-European region were presented and discussed.

Agenda in English and Russian

02 Dec 2021

Time & Place
Event Details
Session 1 Welcoming remarks by the Chair (Ms. Sylvie Motard, Deputy Director, UNEP Europe Office)
Session 2: Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP): a key policy instrument to support sustainable development and the shift to an inclusive Green Economy First Data collection exercise for SDG 12.7.1: key findings, challenges and trends in Pan-European region (Mr. Farid Yaker, UNEP)

Progress on SPP and eco-labelling in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (Ms. Lesya Nikolayeva, International Expert of the UNDA SPP project)
Session 3: SPP and eco-labelling policies and practices in Central Asia countries: progress, prospects and key challenges Kyrgyzstan (Mr. Baialy Dosaliev, Director of Public Procurement Department, Ministry of Finance; Mr. Kubat Kanimetov, Director of the Promotion and Development Centre)

Kazakhstan (Ministry of Finance; Mr. Kuanysh Baltabaev, Director of OJL “Ecojer”)

Uzbekistan (Mr. Jakhongir Talipov, Head of International Cooperation and Projects Department, State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection)
Session 4: Readiness of SMEs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries to respond to SPP tenders Modern tools for SMEs to review their sustainability performances, including energy- and resource efficiency, sustainability etc (Mr. Hannes McNulty, GGKP)

Advisory services to SMEs in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan (Mr. Andri Vorfolomeiev, Director, Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre)

Opportunities and challenges of SMEs: lessons learnt (Mr. Johannes Fresner, Expert of the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Centre)
Session 5: Success stories, challenges and lessons learned on SPP and eco-labelling from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus Prof. Dr. Kakha Demetrashvili, Deputy Chairperson, State Procurement Agency, Georgia

Mr. Ruslan Malai, Head of the State Procurement Agency, Moldova

Ms. Tatiana Echim, EcoContact, Moldova

Ms. Olena Maslyukivska, Expert, Ukraine

Mr. Eriks Mezalis, Expert, Latvia

Mr. Walter Rabitsch, Brevillier Urban & Sachs GmbH & Co KG, Austria
Closing remarks Ms. Rie Tsutsumi, UNEP