• Overview

Date: Monday 4  - Tuesday 5​ September 2023

Time: All Day 

This workshop is an affiliated event of the Africa Climate Week 2023 and is being co-organized by UNEP/One Planet network Secretariat, UNDP, and UNFCCC Secretariat. 

This 2-days closed workshop will focus on presenting a digital toolbox which aims to support policymakers to assess, prioritize, integrate, and implement circular economy interventions in their revised Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), while supporting a just and inclusive transition to a circular economy.  

This workshop will: 

1. Provide a platform for countries in the region to build capacities and exchange knowledge on circular economy and NDCs; 

2. Help policymakers build a good understanding of how to integrate circular economy measures in their revised NDC by using the toolbox; 

3. Build a community of policymakers who are working on circular economy and climate and enable them to get to know each other, build trust and foster collaboration on these two agendas; and 

4. Share feedback with the partners on the toolbox for future iterations.

Explore UNEP's full list of activities during Africa Climate Week/Africa Climate Summit 2023.