• Overview

EANET Awareness Workshop in 2021

Join us for the EANET Awareness Workshop in 2021 on Monday, 6th of September 2021, from 13:00 to 16:15 Indochina Time (ICT), to discuss international cooperation on acid deposition monitoring in East Asia.

The Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) was established in 2001 as a regional intergovernmental network to promote cooperation among countries in East Asia to address acid deposition problems. In the last 20 years, the EANET has made excellent progress in acid deposition monitoring cooperation. The EANET has fostered a regional acid deposition monitoring methodology and scientific exchange platform and has contributed gradually to solving acid deposition problems in East Asia.

Considering the success of the EANET in tackling the acid deposition problem and relevant issues, the Participating Countries viewed the EANET could play a new strategic role by engaging their efforts in fighting air quality issues in the region. Therefore, at the 22nd Session of the Intergovernmental Meeting (IG22) of EANET in November 2020, Participating Countries agreed to expand the scope of the EANET to include cooperation related to wider air pollution matters in the future.

In line with the efforts to determine the future direction of the EANET in the context of its current ongoing process of expansion of scope, the EANET Awareness Forum in 2021 will be organized virtually on Monday, 6 September 13:00-16:15 Indochina Time (ICT) under the name “EANET Awareness Workshop in 2021”.

In 2019, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Resolution at its 74th session to hold an International Day of Clean Air for blue skies on 7 September to urge the need to raise public awareness and promote and facilitate actions to improve air quality. In line with this, the EANET Awareness Workshop will highlight this international day’s celebration concerning EANET objectives. The EANET Awareness Workshop in 2021 will also take the opportunity to highlight the commemoration of this important day.


Objective: to share ideas regarding the current international cooperation among countries on acid deposition and air pollution and on the strategic role the EANET may play in strengthening the cooperation in the Region. The EANET Awareness Workshop in 2021 is expected to increase public understanding of regional acid deposition issues while reflecting the work achieved by the EANET in the last 20 years.

Participants: The EANET Awareness Workshop in 2021 will be attended by the EANET National Focal Points, EANET Scientific Advisory Committee members, policymakers and national researchers, and scientists of the Network’s 13 Participating Countries, as well as representatives of partner organizations working on acid deposition and air pollution-related issues.


Register and find out more: https://www.eanet.asia/awareness-workshop-2021-registration/