• Overview
  • Documents
  • Presentations

In July 2022, the East Africa Community( EAC) published a gazette notice which brought to effect the first edition of EAS 1047:2022 standards on Air Quality – Vehicular exhaust emission limits. This is one of the measures the region has adopted to allow for import of safer, cleaner, and more fuel-efficient vehicles. Countries in the sub region have six(6) months from the date of gazettement to implement the standards as per the EAC statutes.  Implementation of the standard will ensure that the EAC attracts benefits from advanced vehicle emission technologies for climate and health benefits. Notably, the sub region has had clean low sulphur fuels (since 2015) suitable for supporting the vehicle emission standards adopted.  In addition, approximately 90% of vehicles registered are imported used and the standard would form the basis of pre-verification of conformity before vehicles are imported. Towards supporting the implementation of the standards, the East Africa Community Secretariat in conjunction with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) organized a regional training on inspection and monitoring framework for used vehicles imported in the East Africa Community Sub Region. This event formed part of the outputs of the “Safer and Cleaner Vehicles for Africa” project. The training event was held on 30-31 August 2022 and was opened by Fidele Abimana, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Infrastructure Rwanda.  

Representatives from the East Africa Community Secretariat, Bureaus of Standards and agencies responsible for transport and environment in the 7 East Africa Community Partner States, the United Nations organizations as well as other vehicle industry stakeholders were engaged in the training and made recommendations for improvements on the legal framework, increased capacity building, awareness raising, proper monitoring, and better collaboration and coordination within the sub region

On 01 September 2022, additional participants drawn from used vehicles importing and exporting countries virtually joined the in-person participants in a used vehicles importers and exporters meeting. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the proposed minimum environmental and vehicle safety requirements that could be used to regulate used vehicles by both importers and exporters.  The UNECE took participants through the proposed requirements and received feedback for finalization.

Key outcomes of the deliberations were: importers and exporters have shared responsibility for ensuring transfer of quality vehicles; minimum safety and environmental criteria should be clearly defined; and information exchange and vehicle compliance systems need to be put in place.