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Global Environment Outlook-7 (GEO-7) First Authors' Meeting

Tuesday, 14 March 2023 | 12:00 – 13:00 hrs (GMT+7)

Venue: UN Conference Center, Bangkok (hybrid)

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The Asia-Pacific region accounts for more than half of global energy consumption and more than half of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, of which, energy accounts for three-quarters of the total GHG emissions. Trends show that while energy access has increased since SDG7 has been established in 2050; the region still primarily relies on fossil fuel-based energy, with minimal updates of renewal energy overall.[1] The GEO-7, UNEP’s flagship report, will focus, among other issues, on energy transitions, proposing solutions and pathways to reach energy-related goals

This event will focus on the role of the Asia Pacific region in this transition while including examples from other countries and expanding the conversation to the importance of critical minerals for the energy system. This region is home to some of the world's fastest-growing economies and largest populations, making it a key player in the global effort to transition to a more sustainable energy system. At the same time, more than any other global region, it is highly reliant on fossil fuels and affected by climate disasters. How it transitions away from fossil fuels while providing equitable energy access to its population will be a pivotal issue for Asia-Pacific and the world in the coming years.

A conversation among policymakers and experts will explore the key elements to be considered for a transition to more sustainable energy systems, propose actions to reach this goal, and present success stories.  

This event links to the 10th Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development titled “Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels in Asia and the Pacific” and specifically the roundtable on SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) where relevant key issues raised during this side event may be presented.  

Objectives of the event

  1. Explore current environmental issues in Thailand and the Asia-Pacific region, specifically focusing on energy systems and climate change issues;
  2. Highlight the need for an environmentally sustainable energy transition and explore the steps that are needed, also focusing on the need for critical minerals, from a global and regional perspective;
  3. Discuss innovative solutions and technologies that can help accelerate the energy transition and circularity in the region and globally;
  4. Propose regional policy, technology, and behavioural change recommendations to reach these goals;
  5. Highlight how the GEO-7 can inform policymaking for the energy transition.

14 Mar 2023

Time & Place
Event Details
Introduction Pierre Boileau, Head of the Global Environment Outlook, UNEP
Presentation Mrs. Patcharaporn Phasukavanich, Strategy and Planning Division, Energy Policy and Planning Office, Ministry of Energy, Thailand
Keynote speech Dr Janez Potočnik, Co-Chair, International Resource Panel
Panel Discussion Moderator
Pierre Boileau, Head of the Global Environment Outlook, UN Environment Programme

• Mrs. Patcharaporn Phasukavanich, Strategy and Planning Division, Energy Policy and Planning Office, Ministry of Energy, Thailand
• Dr Janez Potočnik, Co-Chair, International Resource Panel
• Mr Sudhir Sharma, Programme Management Officer, UN Environment Programme
• Dr Miho Kamei, Policy Researcher, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
• Dr Debora Ley, Economic Affairs Officer, UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Closing Pierre Boileau, Head of the Global Environment Outlook, UN Environment Programme