• Overview
  • Schedule
  • Sessions
  • Participation & Registration


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has been working on monitoring and evaluating plastic pollution, particularly in rivers, since 2019, with funding from the Government of Japan. Our current project, titled "Strengthening Plastic Pollution Management in the Mekong and Pacific," began in 2023, following CounterMEASURE I and II. The previous stages of the project primarily focused on monitoring and evaluating plastic pollution in rivers and supporting capacity development for the implementation of these practices. However, to address the root causes of plastic pollution from runoff, this forum aims to expand the scope from monitoring and evaluation to implementing solutions that prevent plastic leakage across the value chain. Various solutions to combat plastic pollution are available, including plastic alternatives, advanced technologies, and Extended Producer Responsibility. However, careful consideration must be given to how these new solutions can be integrated sustainably into the current ecosystem. Therefore, this forum aims to exchange experiences and ideas about the effective and efficient implementation of different plastic management solutions across various fields, as well as to accelerate the development of countermeasures against plastic pollution from runoff based on these discussions. 


  • Solutions that prevent plastic leakage from runoff across the plastic value chain
  • Plastic management from industrial perspectives and multi-stakeholder collaborations


  • Share diverse approaches: Highlight strategies from political, private sector, academic, and NGO perspectives to combat runoff plastic pollution across the plastic value chain
  • Promote innovative integration: Emphasize the sustainable integration of innovative solutions into existing systems with intensive discussions and shared experiences.

29 Oct 2024

Time & Place
Event Details
Registration -
Opening Session -
Group Photo -
Session 1 National Government Discussions
Coffee Break -
Session 2 Local Government Discussions
Lunch Break -
Session 3 Private Sector Discussions
Session 4 Discussions by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs)
Coffee Break -
Session 5 Donor and International Financial Institution Discussions
Recap of the Day -

30 Oct 2024

Time & Place
Event Details
Registration and Welcome -
Session 1 Institutional collaboration - The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) (TBC)
Coffee Break -
Session 2 Institutional collaboration – Osaka city, Global Environment Centre Foundation (GEC), and UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC) (TBC)
Lunch Break -
Session 3 Private Sector’s take on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes in the ASEAN region (Collaboration with The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
Coffee Break -
Session 4 Zero-Waste Initiatives in Urban Communities: From Chula Zero Waste to BKK Zero Waste – Chulalongkorn University
Recap of the Day 2 -

31 Oct 2024

Time & Place
Event Details
Session 5 Product (circular?) design of plastics through the lens of consumer behavior and grassroots movements (TBC)
Coffee Break -
Session 6 Systems Thinking in Plastic Management: Legislative Approaches (TBC)
Lunch Break -
Session 7 Textiles and Plastics (TBC)
Coffee Break -
Session 8 Reducing Plastic Emissions in Agriculture: Potential for Decentralized Monitoring at Farming Communities
Closing Remarks -

Day 1 (October 29th) - Setting the Scene: Stakeholder Perspectives on Plastic Pollution from Runoff: Government, Private Sector, and Civil Society

•     Session 1: National Government Discussions

•     Session 2: Local Government Discussions

•     Session 3: Private Sector Discussions

•     Session 4: Discussions by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs)

•     Session 5: Donor and International Financial Institution Discussions

Day 2 (October 30th) - Training on Plastic Pollution from Runoff - Monitoring, Evaluation, and Plastic Management Systems to Reduce Plastic Leakage

•     Session 1: Institutional Collaboration 

•     Session 2: Institutional Collaboration - Osaka City, Global Environment Centre Foundation (GEC), UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC) (TBC)

•     Session 3: Private Sector’s Take on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Schemes in the ASEAN Region - The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)

•     Session 4: Zero-Waste Initiatives in Urban Communities - Chulalongkorn University

Day 3 (October 31st) - Training on Plastic Pollution from Runoff - Monitoring, Evaluation, and Plastic Management Systems to Reduce Plastic Leakage

•     Session 5: Product Design of Plastics Through the Lens of Consumer Behavior and Grassroots Movements (TBC) - Ikuho Kochi, Associate Professor, Kanazawa University

•     Session 6: Systems Thinking in Plastic Management: Legislative Approaches - Jeff Seadon, International Consultant on Circular Economy

•     Session 7: Reducing Plastic Pollution from Textiles: Addressing Microplastics and Beyond (TBC) - Maria Hughes, Associate Programme Management Officer, UNEP; Sayaka Ono, Technical Consultant, UNEP

•     Session 8: Reducing Plastic Emissions in Agriculture: Potential for Decentralized Monitoring at Farming Communities - Takuji W. Tsusaka, Associate Professor, Asian Institute of Technology

Day 4 Half-day (November 1st)- Field Visit

Join us for the "Forum on Mitigating Plastic Pollution from Runoff," organized by UNEP to advance sustainable solutions for plastic pollution management. 

We invite government, private sector, academia, and civil society stakeholders to share experiences and explore innovative approaches. Together, we aim to accelerate the integration of effective solutions and enhance our collective efforts against plastic pollution.

Contact person: Sayaka Ono (sayaka.ono@un.org)