The Global Inception Workshop of the UN Environment/GEF Project “Integrated Stockholm Convention toolkit to improve the transmission of information under Articles 07 and 15” was organized by UN Environment/Chemicals and Health Branch in collaboration with the Basel and Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Uruguay and held from 25 to 26 October 2018 in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Objectives: The meeting aim was to officially launch the UN Environment/GEF medium size project “Integrated SC toolkit to improve the transmission of information under Articles 07 and 15”, review of project activities, outputs and intended outcomes and develop a detailed workplan and budget. The meeting was organized back to back with the Project Steering Committee meeting.
Organizers: UN Environment/Chemicals and Health Branch in collaboration with the Basel and Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Uruguay
Target audience: Project coordinators from the eight project participating countries, representatives of BRS Conventions Secretariat, UN Environment and Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Centres in Uruguay, China and Africa.
Outcomes: The project countries acknowledged the information provided by UN Environment/Chemicals and Health Branch on the followings:
- project overview;
- link with the other GEF projects;
- project deliverables under Output 1.1 (generic and individual gap analysis);
- MapX and its use potential;
- project concept and potential scope of national activities;
- 2018-2020 draft project workplan.
The Project Steering Committee adopted the followings:
- Composition of the PSC;
- Communication to and from PSC members;
- Budget;
- 2018-2020 Workplan;
- BCRC-SCRC roles and support.
As immediate next steps, UN Environment/Chemicals and Health Branch will follow-up individually with project countries as to convene on the activities to be carried out at the national level and finalize the countries agreements. In parallel will work on translating the initial work (generic and individual gap analysis) into a compatible format for IT and toolkit content, as well as on the development of Terms of Reference for recruiting an IT consultant to develop the integrated toolkit.