Day 1 Monday 17 September, 2018
Progress of the POPs Global Monitoring Plan
1. UNEP/GEP Project "Continuing regional support for the POPs global monitoring plan under the Stockholm Convention (GMP2)" in the Pacific Region: National Reports, UN Environment
2. GMP Background under the Stockholm Convention, Katerina Magulova,
3. Monitoring of PFOS in water - Pacific island Region, Heidelore Fiedler,
4. Passive air sampling Pacific 2017-2018, Rianne van Dijk, Jacob de Boer,
4b) Monitoring of dl-POPs and PFOS and its precursors in air- Pacific Islands Region, Heidelore Fiedler,
5. 2016-2019 Round of UNEP-coordinated exposure studies on Human milk in the Pacific Region, Ralf Lippold, Rainer Malisch,
6. Sampling of matrices of National interest in the Pacific, UN Environment,
6b. Guidelines for the sampling and pre-treatment of National samples within the UNEP capacity building project 2016-2019, Jacob de Boer
7. GMP Pacific midterm workshop, The University of South Pacific
8. Tuvalu GMP2- Global Monitoring Plan 2 mid-term workshop, Soseala Tinilau,
9. POPs GMP in Kiribati, Teema Biko, Touakai Kambati
Day 2 Tuesday 18 September, 2018
1. Global monitoring Plan for POPs: Participating country: Vanuatu, Roselyn Bue,
2. Solomon Island. Global monitoring plan phase II project - mid-term review workshop, Salomon Islands, Ministry of environment climate change Disaster Management & Meteorology
3. Samoa: Mid-term review, Samoa Representative,
4. Country presentations RMI, Marshall Island, Joann Komata,
5. National Presentation: Republic of Palau
6. An overview of the management of the GEF UPOPs project, Frank Griffin
7. QAEHS Research on POPs in the pacific, University of Queensland
8a. The global monitoring plan for persistent organic pollutants: Outcomes of 10 years of POPs Monitoring under the Stockholm Convention, Katerina Magulova
8. Global monitoring plan for POPs and the effectiveness evaluation: Mandate, outcomes of COP-8, current status, and future activities, BRS Secretariat
9. Continuing regional support for the POPs global monitoring plan, Gamini Manuweera
9a. Results and conclusions from the 3rd interlaboratory assessment and status of the 4th Interlaboratory assessment, Heidelore Fiedler, Ike van der Veen, Jacob de Boer
10. Proposal on including the analyses of other POPs beyond GMP2, Rainer Malisch
11. National Report for the POPs global monitoring plan suggested template, UN Environment
12. GMP Pacific Mid-term workshop, UN Environment