• Overview
  • Program

When: June 10th and 11th, 2021. Where: 2 half-day virtual workshops

Register: https://bit.ly/2S2bp7k


The GO4SDGs & SEED Regional Practitioner Labs for Policy Prototyping (Policy Labs) showcase break-through replicable policies and policy programmes.

The Labs stimulate the development of innovative policy instruments that create enabling environments for green and social impact enterprises. The process facilitates the replication and adaptation of nationally designed & tested policy solutions in the region, based on the theory of change that replication is an effective and efficient way to solve similar problems across geographies. Stakeholders in the policymaking process are engaged through design-thinking tools that facilitate the synthesising of elements and conditions critical for replication and adaptation.


Objectives of the Policy Labs

  • Deepen understanding of SDG relevant policy challenges faced by green and social micro-small and medium enterprises

  • Share national policy instruments to fuel green and social entrepreneurship as well as circular economies regionally

  • Offer design thinking tools that encourage cross-sharing, localisation and up-take of proven policy instruments in other countries

  • Facilitate collaboration and networking opportunities

  • Share outcomes from policy labs to other GO4SDG stakeholders to learn, build and scale green economy relevant solutions


Policy Labs Format

The policy labs will take place as 2 half-day virtual workshops, facilitated by interactive and collaborative SEED prototyping tools, and making use of the expertise of participants. A toolkit for policy prototyping will be provided to guide discussions and co-creation which will take place over Zoom and Mural.


To downdload the concept note, please click here.

For more information please click here.


Timeline (Africa Chapter)

Regional Policy Labs

  • 10 June 2021 Lab Day 1: Knowledge transfer & peer sharing  
  • 11 June 2021 Lab Day 2: Replication & adaptation