• Overview
  • Documents
  • Background
  • Participation

Date :  26 – 28 October 2021 (2h/day) Time (start) : 08:00 COT, 09:00 GYT, 13:00 UTC, 15:00 CEST, 16:00 EAT, 19:00 BDT Venue : Online meeting tool KUDO  

Objectives of the interregional meeting

The objectives include:

  • Sharing lessons learned and knowledge acquired by target countries in the implementation of the Project to a wider set of countries,
  • The identification of areas that require future work for the full delivery of the environmental dimension of sustainable development as well as for enhancing policy coherence for sustainable development,
  • Discussion of the four case studies and tools applied in the context of the Project and success factors for scaling up by other countries.  


The interregional meeting was held virtually, in a plenary setting. The meeting will be facilitated by UNEP staff. A meeting report will be drafted and provided to participants for comment. The meeting will be audio recorded to facilitate the drafting of the report. Statements made will not be attributed to individual participants of the meeting. The meeting will be held in English, French and Spanish (interpretation will be provided).

Contact information

Contact persons: Diane.Klaimi@un.org and Njoki.Kibe@un.org  See the project's webpage

The UNDA 1819Q Project “Towards coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of the Sustainable Development Goals” aims to strengthen the capacity of four countries (Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Colombia and Guyana) to develop national policies or strategies that include multi-sectoral priorities and build technical capacity to deliver on the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs in a coordinated and integrated manner. The project implementation phase covers 2018 to 2021 and is in its final stages. 

The interregional meeting will convene partner governments officials from the four Project countries, UNEP staff who participated in the implementation of the Project or in activities related to policy coherence for sustainable development, as well as UN country partners, government focal points and other important partners for the Project and/or related to the Project’s implementation (e.g. statistical offices) and SDG focal points in countries. The closing session of the workshop will provide senior officers with the opportunity to reflect on the results of the Project. The invitations to the Workshop will be sent by the UNEP Law Division. In addition, each Regional Office is encouraged to suggest 1-2 additional countries per region to invite.