• Overview
  • Meeting Documents

On May 17th & 18th a regional forum to promote clean buses in Africa was held in Dakar, under the effective chairmanship of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Land Transport, represented by its Secretary General, and the President of the African Association of Public Transport (UATP). The regional forum is the first of its kind in the ECOWAS sub-region and was organized by UATP in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Executive Council of Urban Transport in Dakar (CETUD).

The objectives of the forum were to raise awareness on the introduction of soot-free buses technologies through the study case of Dakar and Lagos, which developed cost-benefit assessment for the transition to soot-free/ electric buses and how this can be scaled up in other countries within the sub-region. The forum were well covered with the participation of transport policy makers of the ECOWAS member states, members of the International Union of Public Transport, public transport operators, technical and financial partners, bus manufacturers as well as members from the private sector.

Sootfree buses in AfricaThis is major step in improving air quality and mitigating climate emissions in the sub-region, that has a population close to 400 million, knowing that growing urban populations will increase demand for efficient and affordable mobility, including urban bus activity which is predicted to increase by nearly 50% worldwide by 2030, translating to an estimated additional 26,000 tonnes of black carbon projected to be emitted the same year.

Among other recommendations the forum recognized that soot free technologies are available in several cities and countries in Africa and elsewhere, such as clean diesel, CNG, biofuels or electric bus technologies and best practices could benefit West African cities; Although the total transition towards electric buses within Africa is premature, cities are encouraged to develop electric bus pilot projects.

Other conclusions and recommendations

  • There are various soot-free bus technologies available to countries and cities (EURO VI equivalent engine technologies). African cities are called to develop and adopt soot-free buses standards to match local energy options.
  • The electrification of buses in African cities does not present any major difficulties from a technical point of view
  • Electric buses have direct and rapid environmental gains on the air pollution as well as climate benefits.
  • Economic incentives and financing mechanisms need to be identified to support the introduction of electric buses
  • Electrification of bus fleet in West African cities are feasible giving that the economic and financing incentives are provided.
  •  There is need for national and city authorities to develop a long-term goal to soot-free buses, to support private sector engagement.
  • A coordinated, multi-agency approach is required as soot-free bus programs will need the input of energy, transport, urban development and finance agencies, local authorities, financial institutions, public transport operators among others
  • Executive Summary [English] [French]  
  • Institutional and financial analysis [French]  
  • Cost-benefit analysis of electric buses in Dakar  PART 1 - BENCHMARK [French] PART 2 - COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS [French]