• Overview

On October 06, 2021, the Directorate of Environment and Climate in Benin hosted a national fuel economy validation workshop at the National Institute for Social, Economic and Civic Training (INFOSEC) in Cotonou, Benin. The objective of the workshop is to validate the draft automotive fuel economy baseline report which had been compiled by West Africa fuel economy consultants.  

The national workshop was opened by the representative of the coordinator of the project, Mr Wilfried Biao Mongazi of the-General Directorate of Environment and Climate. Jane Akumu of UN Environment Programme also gave opening remarks.

Despite numerous challenges in acquiring usable data on the vehicle fleet, the study included 186,352 vehicles, (light duty, heavy duty vehicles and motorcycles registered in Benin for the years 2005,2010, 2013, and 2015udy. Data showed an aging vehicle fleet with the average age of the fleet between 2005 and 2017 being 14.4 years for private vehicles, 16.6 years for vans, 18.3 years for trucks, 17.4 years for buses and 7.5 years for motorcycles and tricycles.

The average fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from the study showed a marginal improvement from 9. 69 Lge/100km in 2005 to 9.92 lge/100Km in 2015.

As a way forward, stakeholders agreed to the recommendation to implement a CO2 tax defined on the basis of CO2 emissions from imported vehicles or a bonus-malus system penalizing polluting vehicles and favoring clean vehicles.

Click here to see the GFEI Validation Workshop report - Benin