BCH III Project Training Material: The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is the project’s dedicated Moodle platform targeting a broad audience. It is designed to be a repository for all BCH III project training materials and to be utilized as an interactive platform during the national, regional and global workshops facilitated by the Regional Advisors (BCH III biosafety expert consultants). Workshop participants utilize the VLE in preparation and during BCH III workshops. They may access and revisit the resources after the workshops, in their own time. The VLE also offers public BCH training materials, webinars as well as additional training videos and animated videos in the 6 UN languages.

The VLE is an essential component of BCH III project’s implementation, even more so since the development of new online and hybrid workshop format since Covid-19 pandemic. The platform includes a variety of pre-developed training material such as manuals, interactive training software, case studies and curricula for different stakeholders. Training materials are organized as virtual courses over which customized national, regional and global training solutions can be built. The training platform and library also provides an online forum for communication to, from and among Regional Advisors. Finally, it is an essential project monitoring tool for the BCH III project team.

The e-learning interactive platform is hosted on UNEP servers, regularly updated and maintained, and will be accessible after the project completion. As of March 2022, the virtual learning environment has over 2,100 registered participants from 180 countries distributed globally, as illustrated in the following diagrams:

Map of the countries participating to the BCH III project and VLE usage per region


BCH III VLE Regional Usage


There are also 81 courses distributed in 7 main categories as follows:

VLE Courses Distribution

→ To know more about the VLE, you can visit open access webpages by logging in as a guest at BCH-III VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (unep.org) or send an email to unep-bchteam@un.org and brian.mutugi@un.org to create your account.

