Photo by Thomas Karst

Issues of concern

In Chemicals & pollution action

A Summary Analysis of Stakeholders’ Views on Priorities for Further Work and Potential Further International Action

Summary Analysis Report CoverAn unedited advance-draft of the Chemicals and Waste Issues of Concern: A Summary Analysis of Stakeholders’ Views on Priorities for Further Work and Potential Further International Action is now available online for download. The final version of the document, with full layout will be available shortly.

Consultation on priorities for further work and potential further international action on Issues of concern

In 2020, in response to resolution 4/8 of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA), UNEP developed an Assessment Report on Issues of Concern with the aim to inform the international community about the current situation of specific chemicals and waste issues of concern, based on a review of published evidence. The report covers 19 issues of concern and summarized that concerted international action by all stakeholders at all levels is urgently required.

The resumed session of UNEA-5, in February 2022, recognized the need to take further action to reduce or eliminate the risks associated with the chemicals and waste issues discussed in the report. UNEP was requested through resolution 5/7 to seek views from Member States and other stakeholders on priorities for further work, building on existing measures and initiatives, and on potential further international action on the issues discussed in the Assessment Report on Issues of Concern. The resolution also requests the preparation of a summary analysis, taking into account the views received.

In response to this request, UNEP is conducting a consultation on priorities for further work and potential further international action on issues of concern, including the following:

Timeline of the issues of concern consultation process

  • An information sharing webinar was organized on 27 April 2023 to introduce the 19 issues of concern discussed in the Assessment Report on Issues of Concern to provide an overview of the report’s findings (the webinar recordings are available below).
  • A call for written inputs was sent in June to gather views from Member States and other stakeholders on the priorities for future work and potential further international action. The deadline for response submissions was extended from 26 July to 25 August. The submitted written inputs have been made available.
  • A discussion between leading experts was organized with the Geneva Environment Network (GEN) on 15 June 2023. The discussion included priorities of further work, building on existing measures and initiatives, and further potential international action.
  • A Global Consultation took place on 11-12 July 2023 in Geneva to share discussion on the topic and gather further views. This took place as a hybrid event, with close to 200 participants both online and in-person from governments, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, academia, and industry.
  • A summary of views has been prepared for consideration at the sixth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6, February 2024).

The 19 issues of concern addressed during this consultation are listed below. For each issue of concern, a two-page factsheet has been prepared to summarize the information provided in the the 2020 UNEP report. 


ArsenicCadmiumGlyphosateLeadMicroplasticsNeonicotinoidsOrganotinsPhthalatesPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Triclosan and Bisphenol A


Chemicals in productsEndocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC), Environmentally persistent pharmaceutical pollutants (EPPP), Hazardous substances in the life cycle of electrical and electronic products (HSLEEP), Highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs), Lead in paintNanotechnology and Manufactured Nanomaterials and Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and the transition to safer alternative.

Other background materials and related information:

Assessment Report on Issues of Concern (UNEP in 2020)

Annexes to the Assessment report on Issues of Concern (UNEP in 2020)

Catalogue of International Actions on Chemicals and Waste (UNEP in 2023)

SAICM Survey on emerging policy issues and other issues of concern - (SAICM in 2022)

Webinars recordings and meetings:

11-12 July 2023 Global Consultation on Issues of Concern - Geneva meeting

15 June 2023 - Chemicals and Waste Issues of Concern: Tackling Future Priorities

27 April 2023 - Overview of findings from the Assessment Report on Issues of Concern

Overview of findings - Group 1 - Chemicals in Products - Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs); Phthalates; Bisphenol A (BPA); Microplastics; Chemicals in Products; Hazardous Substances in the Lifecycle of Electrical and Electronic Products (HSLEEP); Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs); Nanotechnology and Manufactured Nanomaterials and Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs)and the transition to safer alternatives

Overview of findings - Group 2 - Metals & metalloids - Lead; Lead in Paint; Cadmium; Arsenic; Organotins

Overview of findings - Group 3 - Bio-active substances - Highly Hazardous Pesticides; Glyphosate; Neonicotinoids, Triclosan and Environmentally Persistent Pharmaceutical Pollutants



In Chemicals & pollution action