Capacity building (GMP2)

In Chemicals & pollution action

Capacity building GMP2Two rounds of UNEP/GEF POPs Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) projects have established a framework to strengthen skills for sampling and analysing POPs in three core matrices (air, human milk and water) as well as in biotic and abiotic samples of national interest.

In order to generate high quality data and comparable results, the protocols and methods that are used by the various laboratories when sampling and analysing POPs need to be harmonized ensuring that, over time and between regions, the same basic approaches and quality criteria for acceptance of data and assessment of results are applied. When new POPs are added to the Stockholm Convention, new tools and methods must be developed.


The self-paced eCourse - Data Handling and Interpretation for the Monitoring of POPs under the Stockholm Convention is designed to assist Parties of the Stockholm Convention and technicians involved in the POPs monitoring process and in the usage of these environmental monitoring results. The course is offered online in English, non interactive versions in French and Spanish are available for download.


The following guidelines and standard operation protocols (SOPs) have been developed during the UNEP/GEF GMP projects. They describe the methods for sample preparation, extraction, purification and analysis. These protocols may serve as a basis for capacity building and training programmes. The guidelines and SOPs should be transferred into daily routines by each laboratory.


Passive sampling of Ambient Air Methodology and Procedure (EN/SP)

Procedure for Air Monitoring using Active Air Samplers (HVS) (EN/FR/SP)

Video tutorial of active air sampling and on passive air sampling

Human milk

Guidelines for Organization, Sampling and Analysis of Human Milk on Persistent Organic Pollutants (EN/FR/SP)

Video tutorial of human milk survey (EN/FR/SP)


Protocol for the Sampling of Water as a Core Matrix in the UNEP/GEF GMP2 Projects for the Analysis of PFOS

Matrices of National Interests

Protocol for the Sampling and Pre-treatment of National Samples within the UNEP/GEF Projects to Support the Global Monitoring Plan of POPs 2016-2019

Protocol 1: Analysis of Perfluorooctane Sulfonic Acid (PFOS) in Water and Perfluorooctane Sulfonamide (FOSA) in Mothers’ Milk, Human Serum and Air, and the Analysis of Some Perfluorooctane Sulfonamides (FOSAS) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonamido Ethanols (FOSES) in Air (EN/FR/SP)

Protocol 2: Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) and Organochlorine Pesticides (OCP) in Human Milk, Air and Human Serum (EN/FR/SP)

Protocol 3: Analysis of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE) in Human Milk, Air and Human Serum (EN/FR/SP)

Protocol 4: Analysis of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Water for the Global Monitoring Plan of the Stockholm Convention (EN/FR/SP)

Protocol 5: Analyse des polychlorodibenzo-paradioxines, des polychlorodibenzofurannes (PCDD/PCDF) et des polychlorobiphényles (PCB) de type dioxine (dl-PCB) dans l’air ambiant et les tissus humains (FR/SP)


The GMP framework also includes conducting training in national laboratories. Over the two rounds of UNEP/GEF GMP projects, 46 trainings have been organised in the laboratories, attended by 72 countries.

GMP2 and GMP1 trainings

26 trainings took place during GMP2, where participants joined from 40 countries. During GMP2, a joint training was organised for Senegal and Mali. Lao PDR, Malaysia and Myanmar joined the training organised in Indonesia. Eight Pacific countries attended the training organised in Samoa.

POPs DatabankThe GMP guidance emphasizes the importance of accurate results for POPs analysis, with an analytical variance to be as small as possible to make data acceptable and comparable between laboratories, countries, and regions, to allow sound decision making. Participation at international intercalibration assessments is considered a prerequisite for existing and well established as well as for newly set-up laboratories and coordinating reference lab / national lab mirror analysis is important to further support the establishment of long-term analytical capacity and self-sufficient laboratories. During the projects, the POPs Laboratory Databank was established and updated. It identifies operational laboratories worldwide and provides information on their capabilities to analyse classes of POPs in different matrices.

Key findings

  • In 2022, eight new POPs (see interactive timeline of POPs listed) had been added under the Stockholm Convention since 2014 while many countries still do not have the capacity to analyze even the original 12 POPs listed in 2004.
  • The trainings brought to light that though some laboratories can analyze certain POPs in some matrices, the lack of regular analysis and sustainable business model limited their capacity. Most of these laboratories will not be able to contribute reliable and satisfactory quality data for initial POPs, to the Efficacity Evaluation of the Stokholm Convention, let alone for new POPs.
  • Global capacity gaps exist to fully understand the levels of POPs in the environment and in humans.
  • As the ultimate goal is to eliminate POPs rather than monitor them, hierarchical capacity building is essential to 1) ensure continuous generation of high-quality data for the effectiveness evaluation of the Convention, and 2) respond to national demands on source tracing, hotspot monitoring and national decision making.

Projects Reports

The sectoral, regional and overview reports of the the UNEP/GEF projects "Implementation of the POPs Monitoring Plan” and “Continuing Regional Support for the POPs Global Monitoring Plan under the Stockholm Convention" are available on the POPs GMP Reports page.

In Chemicals & pollution action

Last updated: 17 Jun 2024, 15:39