
National implementation plans

Entered into force in 2004, the Stockholm Convention aims to protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants (POPs). 

Article 7 requires Parties to develop a National Implementation Plan (NIP) to guide national regulation and legislation, decision making and effective actions to address POPs throughout the supply chain and their lifecycle. The NIP is a dynamic document to be reviewed periodically and updated to address the newly listed chemicals following the successive Conference of the Parties (COP). NIPs according to the year of transmission and POPs addressed can be found on this page

Article 15, requires Parties to report every four years on the measures taken to implement the provisions of the Stockholm Convention and how effectives these measures were. Parties must provide statistical data on the quantities of production, import and export of the POPs listed and a list of the countries with which it has traded. National Reports can be found on these pages:  First round -  Second round  - Third round -  Fourth round - Fifth round

A Gap analysis was developed into the framework of the GEF-funded project Integrated SC toolkit to improve the transmission of information under Articles 07 and 15 to identify and present the generic overlaps and gaps between data and information requested under the reporting pursuant Article 15 and other reporting obligations under the Stockholm Convention and the data and information generated during the NIP development and/or update process. The Gap analysis concluded the overlapping proves that by following closely the guidance documents for NIP development and/or update, relevant qualitative information and quantitative data are generated to enable Parties fulfilling the reporting obligations under the Stockholm Convention, whether it's about Article 15 reporting or the other reporting obligations under the Stockholm Convention.

Integrated Electronic Toolkit 

In response to the requests in paragraph 8(e) of decision SC-8/8 on implementation plans and paragraph 3 of decision SC-8/17 on reporting pursuant to Article 15 of the Stockholm Convention, as well as paragraph 7(c) of decision SC-9/9 on implementation plans and decision SC-9/16 on reporting pursuant to Article 15 of the Stockholm Convention, the Chemicals and Health Branch of UNEP has developed an Integrated Electronic Toolkit to facilitate the development, transmission, access, and use of data contained in NIPs and national reports. 

The modular structure of the toolkit is harmonized with the structure of the national reporting and will help Parties organize and review their data to report to the COP in successive transmissions, fulfilling their reporting obligations. 

The toolkit has been developed as an output of the GEF project to address the problem of the limited qualitative and quantitative data provided by Stockholm Convention Parties through NIPs and national reports. It also builds upon the experiences and lessons learned of two previous GEF projects in which 34 Parties benefited from UNEP’s assistance to update and/or develop their National Implementation Plans.


Last updated: 04 Mar 2025, 15:47