In Chemicals & pollution action

Project Title: Improvement of human resource and analytical capacity for enforcement of hazardous waste management legislations in Mongolia

Project Summary

This project aims to address the urgent need to establish a sound hazardous waste management system in Mongolia in response to the country’s obligations under the Basel, Stockholm and Rotterdam Conventions and the Minamata Convention. The project will implement comprehensive actions to facilitate implementation and reporting obligations of relevant international and national legislation on chemicals and waste management, focusing on the facilitation of analytical capacity to identify hazardous wastes, the investigation of the international practices of the hazardous waste management, the improvement of the technical and human resource capacity of the key stakeholders to manage the hazardous wastes, and the increase of public education and awareness on hazardous waste management.

Project Objectives

The main objective of the project is to strengthen the technical and human resource capacity of Mongolia to fulfil its obligations under the international and national legislations on chemicals and waste management, through

  • Providing baseline study on hazardous waste management in Mongolia;
  • enhancing the hazardous waste analytical capacity of the government institutions to identify hazardous wastes from different sources; and
  • improving stakeholders’ knowledge and education on the hazardous waste management to facilitate the implementation of the relevant conventions and national legislations.


Project Details

  • Party: BRSM
  • Country Classification: Developing Country
  • Special Programme Trust Fund: 248,010 USD
  • Cofinancing Total: 110,000 USD
  • Project duration: 36 months

In Chemicals & pollution action